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单词 undertake
undertake/ ͵ ʌndǝ′teɪk, AmE ͵-dər′-/ vtundertook/ ͵ ʌndǝ′tʊk, AmE ͵-dər′-/,undertaken/ ͵ ʌndǝ′teɪkǝn, AmE ͵-dər′-/]

(1)承担,接受(take (sth) on oneself as a task or performance)[T+n](fml):He undertook the job(of decorating the auditorium)/the mission/the task (of cleaning the house)/the project willingly. 他欣然承担了(布置礼堂)的工作/那使命/(打扫房间的)任务/那工程。You have already~n too much. 你承担得太多了。~the leadership of the team/the organization of the whole scheme 接受领队的职务/全部计划的组织任务;Who will~responsibility for the work/the changes? 谁来承担这项工作的责任/改革的责任?〖同〗set about,take on,begin;〖反〗abandon,decline,avoid;

(2)约定,答应(同意),保证(decide or agree to do;warrant or guarantee)[T+to-inf T+that](fml):~to finish the job by Friday/improve the working arrangements 答应在周五前把工作完成/改进工作安排;He has~n to appear at the police court tomorrow. 他答应明天在治安法庭出庭。The sponsors~that the proposal meets all the legal requirements/the children will enjoy the play/the volunteers shall finish the task in time. 主办者保证这个建议符合一切法律要求/孩子们会喜欢这个戏/志愿者将按时完成任务。〖同〗warrant,guarantee;

→͵under′taker n 承办者;丧事承办人;͵under′taking n 任务;企业;许诺;丧葬事宜





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