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单词 block
释义 block1 /blok; blak/ n 1 large, solid piece of wood, stone, etc: (木、石等之) 大块: A butcher cuts up his meat on a large ~ of wood. 居夫在一个大木攻上切肉。 The ~s of stone in the Pyramids are five or six feet high. 金字塔上的石块有五、六呎高 oThe statue is to be carved out of a ~ of marble. 石像将由一大块大理石雕成。 Children play with building ~s, cubes of wood put together to make toy houses, etc. 儿童们玩 (堆砌玩具房子等的) 积木。 chip (1). 2 main part of a petrol engine, consisting of the cylinders and valves. 汽油动力机的主要部分 (包括汽缸及阀) 。 3 the ~, (in olden times) large piece of wood on which a person put his neck to have his head cut off as a punishment. 古时死刑犯斩首时用以放头之大木块; 断头台。 go/be sent to the ~, to death in this way. 上 (被送上) 断头台; 被处斩。 4 shaped piece of wood on which hats are moulded. 帽檀。 5 pulley, or system of pulleys, in a case (often ~ and tackle). 滑车; 滑输; (常作 block and tackle) 滑车组。 6 piece of wood or metal with designs, etc, cut (engraved) on it for printing. 木刻板; (金属制之) 蚀刻版; 印版。 7 mass of buildings (shops, offices, apartments, etc) joined together; (esp US) area of buildings bounded by four streets; the length of one side of such an area: 接连在一起的一片建筑物 (如商店、办公室、公寓等); (尤美) 四面临街的一片建筑物; 街区; 街区一边之长度 (即两条街间的距离): To reach the post-office, walk two ~s east and then turn left. 要到林局去,请向东走两个街区,然后向左转。 ~buster /'blDkbASta (r); 'blak/bASt / n powerful explosive to demolish buildings; (fig) forceful person or thing bringing about a sudden effect, eg in a dispute. 可摧毁建筑物的强力爆炸物; (喻) 引起突然效果的人或物 (例如在辩论中) 。 8 division of seats in a theatre, concert hall, etc; large quantity of shares in a business. (戏院、音乐 IS 等) 座位区; 某一企业之大宗股份。 9 obstruction; sth that makes movement or flow difficult or impossible: 阻碍; 障碍物; 阻塞; 阻塞物: There was a ~ in the pipe and the water couldn't flow away. 管子内有阻塞物,水不能流走。 road ~,barrier across a road at which documents, etc are checked. 路卡 (横设于道路上的障碍物,作为检查文件等的关卡) 。 'traffic ~, (usu 通常作 traffic jam) large number of buses, cars, vans, trams, etc held up and unable to move on. 交通阻塞 (大批的车辆被阻塞于途中不能前进) 。 10 。 '~ grant, fixed and non-recurring subsidy. 固定且不再发的补助金。 I ~ 'capitals/'letters/'writing, with each letter separate and in capitals: 正楷大写字母; 正楷大写字体: Write your name in ~ letters. 请用正楷大写字母写你的名字。 11 (cricket) spot on which a batsman rests his bat before playing a ball. (板球) 击球员在击球前置放球板之处。 12 (sl) (person's) head: (俚)(人的)头: I'll knock your ~ off! 我将把你摧平!




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