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单词 问长问短

问长问短wèn cháng wèn duǎn

ask all sorts of questions; bombard (/ply) sb with questions; make detailed inquiries; want to know all about; inquire with concern about sb’s well-being
❍ 杨子荣正在~,突然孙达得一声喊: “杨……哎,哎,掌柜的!”(曲波《林海雪原》) 58) Zirong asked all manner of questions.Suddenly,he was interrupted by a cry from Dade.“Yang-ah-boss.”/下来,移席和他一处坐着,~,说东说西。(《红楼梦》584) …after which he came and sat down next to Liu,chatting with him for a while on various subjects.
❍ 马福象个爱好新奇的孩子一样,整天价~。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》69) Like an inquisitive child,all day long Ma kept asking questions.
❍ 两礼拜过后,小元受训回来了,一到老槐树底,大家就都来问询,在地里做活的,虽然没到晌午,听到小元回来的消息的也都赶回来~。(赵树理《李有才板话》59) Two weeks went by,and Little Yuan returned from his training. In the Ash-tree Grove,though it was only noon,everyone stopped working to ply him with questions.
❍ 他本不是百科全书,偏要当他百科全书,~,问天问地,…… (鲁迅《南腔北调集·谁的矛盾》64) He is not an ency clopedia,yet they insist on treating him as one,questioning him about everything under the sun.
❍ 周总理在我们庄稼人中间谈笑风生,~。我们见了周总理,毫不拘束,心情格外舒畅。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—130) Premier Zhou laughed and talked so in formally with us and took such an interest in all our concerns,he made us feel completely at home and happy to have him with us.
❍ 甚至于跟着看怎样采,围看着怎样吃,指手画脚,~,令人头昏。(鲁迅《故事新编·采薇》64) They were followed to see how they gathered vetch,surrounded to see how they ate. All this with endless gestures and interminable questions,till their heads were fairly reeling.

问长问短wèn chánɡ wèn duǎn

询问这、又询问那。形容非常仔细周到地关心、照顾。take the trouble to make detailed inquires, inquire with concern about one’s well-being, ask about this and that





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