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单词 长夜难明

长夜难明cháng yè nán míng

(of a long dark rule)long is the night and slow the crimson dawn to spread;the night is so long that the crimson dawn seems slow in spreading; the night is long and dawn comes slow
❍ ~赤县天,百年魔怪舞翩跹,人民五亿不团圆。(《毛泽东诗词 ·和柳亚子先生》)The night was long and dawn came slow to the Crimson Land. |For a century demons and monsters whirled in a wild dance,| And the five hundred million people were disunited.
❍ 你一次又一次地呼喊,一次又一次地战斗,可是啊,夜漫漫,路漫漫,~赤县天…… (《东方红》朗诵词13) Again and again they cried out,again and again they fought back. But the night seemed unending,as did the road. The night was so long that the crimson dawn seemed slow in spreading.

长夜难明chánɡ yè nán mínɡ

比喻漫长的黑暗岁月。have slept a sleepless night, the night is long and dawn comes slow





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