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单词 谬种流传

谬种流传miù zhǒng liú chuán

error (/falsehood)is disseminated; the absurd theory (/false report)spreads (/circulates)
❍ 这些东西,我历来不愿意正式发表,因为是旧体,怕~,贻误青年; 再则诗味不多,没有什么特色。 (毛泽东《给臧克家的信》) Up to now I have never wanted to make these things known in any formal way,because they are in the old style and I was afraid this might encourage a wrong trend and exercise a bad influence on young people. Besides,they are not much as poetry,and there is nothing outstanding about them.
❍ 其结果,~,误人不浅。(《毛泽东选集》 756) Consequently,error is disseminated,doing people great harm.

谬种流传miù zhǒnɡ liú chuán

谬:荒谬错误;种:种子。把荒谬错误的东西一代代地传下去。circulation of false reports, the dissemination of error, Error is disseminated. circulation of absurdities





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