释义 |
长命百岁cháng mìng bǎi suìa life of a hundred years [used in expressing good wishes for a child];a long life; live to a ripe old age; live to be a hundred ❍ 姑奶奶定依我这名字,必然~。(《红楼梦》514)If you agree to this name,madam,she’s sure to live to a ripe old age. ❍ 我这一面去,没别的报答,唯有请些高香,天天给你们念佛,保佑你们~的,就算我的心了。(《红楼梦》 513)I’ve no way to show my gratitude when I get back except by burning incense every day and praying hard to Buddha to grant that all of you live to be a hundred. ❍ 偏说 ‘死’! 我这会子就死! 你怕死! 你怕死,你~的活着!好不好?(《红楼梦》237)I don’t care.I’ll talk about death if I like. Death! Death! I’m going to die this minute . If you’re so afraid of death,I wish you long life. A hundred years,will that satisfy you? 长命百岁chang ming bai suilife of a hundred years 长命百岁chánɡ mìnɡ bǎi suì寿命很长,活到一百岁。live to be a hundred, live to a ripe old age, a long life |