释义 |
锤(錘)[鎚]chuíⅠ ❶ (一种古代兵器) a metal ball with a handle or chain,used as weapon;mace ❷ (像锤的东西) weight: 秤 ~ steelyard weight; 平衡 ~ balance weight; 调节 ~ governor weight ❸ (锤子) hammer: 大 ~ sledge-hammer; 钉 ~ nail hammer; 铁 ~ iron hammer Ⅱ (用锤子敲打) hammer into shape: ~ 金箔 hammer gold into foil ◆锤柄 hammer handle; 锤打 hammer;hammerblow; 锤骨 {解} malleus;plectrum;hammer; 锤光 {机} planish; 锤击 stamping; sledging;{机} hammerblow;{冶} bumping; 锤炼 temper;steel and temper; 锤铁 ironwork; 锤头 monkey;peen;tup;beater head;hammerhead;hammer ram;indenting hammer;peen; 锤砧 hammer anvil; 锤子 hammer |