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单词 锋芒毕露

锋芒毕露fēng máng bì lù

make a showy display of one’s abilities; self-asserted and prone to exhibit one’s knowledge,abilities,etc; show off; show one’s horns (/points and edges/claws)
❍ 梁生宝是个朴实庄稼人。即使在担任民兵队长的那二年里头,他也不是那号伸胳膊踢腿、~、咄咄逼人的角色。(柳青《创业史》99)Shengbao was an honest fellow.During his two years as leader of the local militia,he had never strutted or blustered or make a showy display of his abilities.


make a full display of one’s talent;show off one’s ability
年轻人容易~。Young people tend to show off their ability./过于~会招致忌恨。Too much glare of one’s talent will court jealousy and hate./他已不像年轻时那样~了。He is no longer as assertive and showy as he was young.

锋芒毕露fēnɡ mánɡ bì lù

毕:完全。锐气和才能完全显示出来。比喻人爱逞强显能,喜好表现自己。make a showy display of one’s abilities, cut a wide swash, become ostentations





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