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单词 moral
释义 moral1 /'moral US: 'mocral; 'moral/ adj 1 concerning principles of right and wrong: 有关是非之原则的; 道德的: ~ standards; 道德标准; a ~ question; 道德问题; the ~ sense, the power of distinguishing right and wrong; 是非感 (分辨是非的能力); ~ law; 道德律; ~ rights/obligations, based on ~ law; (基于道德律的) 道德上的权利 (义务); - philosophy, ethics, the study of right and wrong in human behaviour. 伦理学; 道德哲学。 2 good and virtuous: 品行端正的 .live a ~ life; 过规矩的生活; a ~ man. 品行端正的人。 3 able to understand the difference between right and wrong: 能明辨是非的: At what age do we become ~ beings? 我们妻到什么年龄才能辨别是非? 4 teaching or illustrating good behaviour: 敎导良好品德的; 道德敎育的; 有寓意的: a ~ book/story/talk. 有寓意的书籍 (故事,言谈) 。 5 (contrasted with physical or practical) connected with the sense of what is right and just: (与 physical 或 practical 相对) 精神上的; 道义上的: ~ victory, outcome of a struggle in which the weaker side is comforted because it has established the righteousness of its cause. 精神胜利。' ~ certainty, sth so probable that there is little room for doubt. 确实可靠的事; 非常可能的事。 ~ courage/cowarpice, strength/lack of strength to face contempt or ridicule rather than do wrong. (缺少) 宁受轻蔑或嘲笑而不肯做坏事的勇气; 道德上的勇气 (怯弱) 。 give sb ~ support, help by saying that he has justice and right on his side. 给某人道义上 (或精神上) 的支持 (如申言正义是在他这一边) 。 ~ly /-rail; -rail/ adv in a ~ manner: 道德上: M~ly he is all that she desired. 就道德而言,她对他十分满意。




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