铲(鏟);[剷]chǎnⅠ (撮取或清除东西的铁制用具) shovel;spade: 锅 ~ slice; 煤 ~ coal shovel Ⅱ (用锹或铲撮取或清除) lift [move] with a shovel;shovel: ~ 煤 shovel coal; 把地 ~ 平 scrape the ground even;level the ground with a shovel [spade];他们在雪中 ~ 出一条小路。 They shoveled a path through the snow. ◆铲车 forklift (truck);tractor shovel; 铲齿 form relieved tooth;give clearance to the cutting edge;relieving; 铲除 root out;uproot;eradicate;wipe out; 铲床 {机} gear milling lathe; 铲斗 basket;scraper pan;scraper bowl;bucket; 铲工 shovelman; 铲路机 road planer; 铲球 {体} a slide tackle; 铲土机 earth scraper;giant shovel;spading machine;scraper;carry-scrapper; 铲运机 road scraper;hauling scraper;scraper;carryload scraper;carry scraper;high-lift; 铲子 shovel |