释义 |
铜(銅)tónɡ (金属元素) copper (Cu): ~ 丝 copper wire; ~ 像 bronze statue; ~ 扣子 brass button ◆铜铵纤维素 {纺} cuprammonium cellulose; 铜凹板(印刷) copperplate; 铜白蛋白 cupratin; 铜斑 copper stain; 铜板 [方] copper; copper coin; copper clappers; copperplate; sheet copper; 铜版 {刷} copperplate; 铜包钢线 copper covered steel wire; copper-clad steel wire; copper covered steel conductor; copper-clad steel conductor; 铜包铝材 aluminium core copper wire; 铜包铝线 copper-clad aluminium conductor; 铜包镍铁线 dumet wire; 铜铋合金 Guillaume metal; 铜币 copper coin; 铜饼 copper cake; 铜钹 brass cymbals; 铜钹键琴 clavicymbal; 铜箔 clutch gold; copper foil; 铜臭 the stink of money; profits-before-everything mentality; profit-seeking spirit; 铜臭熏天 copper smell stinking to high heaven; filled with filthy commercial air; 铜锤 “painted-face” character in opera; 铜粉 {冶} copper powder; 铜鼓 {考古} bronze drum; 铜管乐队 brass band; 铜管乐器 brass-wind instrument; brass wind; 铜硅合金 cupro silicon; 铜硅锰合金 {冶} Everdur; 铜号 brass trumpet; 铜合金 {冶} copper alloy; pinkus metal; aldary; 铜壶滴漏 {考古} copper clepsydra; water clock of ancient China — a clepsydra; 铜化合物 copper compound; 铜婚 copper; 铜活 (铜制器件) brass or copper fittings, accessories, etc.; (制造铜器的工作) work in copper; coppersmithing; 铜匠 coppersmith; 铜筋铁骨 tough and strong as iron and steel; a body of iron; (have) an iron constitution; brass muscles and iron bones — a strong and solid body; with vigorous sinews and bones and strengthened muscles; 铜金矿 cuproaurite; 铜镜 {考古} bronze mirror; 铜矿 copper mine; copper ore; 铜矿物 copper mineral; 铜盔铁甲 brass helmet and iron armour — uniform of ancient warriors; 铜离子 copper ion; 铜磷合金 copper- phosphorus alloy; 铜硫合金 copper-sulphur alloy; 铜铝合金 albronze; Xalloy; 铜铝锰合金 therlo; 铜铝镍合金 batterium alloy; 铜绿金龟子 anomala corpulenta; 铜锣 gong; 铜络合物 copper complex; 铜锰硅合金 argofil alloy; 铜锰合金 cupromanganese; 铜锰镍合金 copper- manganese-nickle alloy; cuniman; 铜模 {刷} matrix; (copper) mould; 铜镍钴(永)磁合金 cunico; 铜镍硅合金 corson alloy; C-alloy; 铜镍焊条 copper- nickel welding rod; 铜镍合金 corronil; Teleconst; constantan; {冶} copper-nickel alloy; colomony; Iecnum; 铜镍耐蚀合金 silvore; Silverine; Super-nickel; 铜镍锡合金 adonic; 铜琶铁板 written in a bold and vehement style; bold and vehement language; extremely moving message; 铜牌 bronze medal; copper medal; 铜盆碰上铁刷子 a copper pen against an iron brush — each sticking to his own argument; Diamond cuts diamond.; 铜铍合金 copper beryllium alloy; beryllium copper; 铜皮 copper sheet; 铜片 copper sheet; 铜器 bronze, brass or copper ware; 铜墙铁壁 iron bastions; a bastion of iron; a stronghold; a wall of bronze or iron; impregnable fortress; iron wall; like walls of brass and iron; tower of strength; (be strong as) walls of bronze; 铜山铁壁 brass hills and iron walls; impregnable like brass hills and iron walls; 铜丝 copper wire; 铜酸盐 cuprate; 铜条 copper bar; 铜铁氧体 cu ferrite; 铜同位素 copper isotope; 铜头铁额 brass head and iron forehead — to be courageous and cruel; bold and courageous; extremely courageous; head of brass and brow of iron; 铜驼荆棘 the brass camel covered by thorns — great confusion or changes in the country; bronze camels buried in brambles; copper camels at the palace gate lying in bramble; devastation of palaces as a result of war; ruins of fallen royal house; the scene of dilapidation of a conquered nation; 铜锡合金 signal bronze; copper-tin alloy; rhinemetal; 铜线锤 brass plummet; 铜像 bronze statue; 铜锌合金 {冶} pinchbeck alloy; 铜锌锡合金 {冶} ormolu; French gold; 铜锌蓄电池 copper-zinc accumulator; 铜锈 patina; 铜锈绿色 patina green; 铜盐 nantoquita; nantokite; 铜银合金 Kufil (alloy); 铜俑 bronze figurine; 铜铸 casting in bronze; 铜子儿 [口] copper coin; copper; 铜棕色 coppery brown |