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单词 横冲直撞

横冲直撞héng chōng zhí zhuàng

barge about;charge straight ahead; dash around madly; jostle and elbow one’s way; push one’s way by shoving or bumping; run amuck (/amok/wild)
❍ 可是这块冰排太大太厚了,由着你砸,……只能砸碎点零皮碎肉,那东西照样往前~,带的小木排滴溜滴溜乱转转。(杨朔《三千里江山》 122) But this floe was so big and heavy that they could hardly do anything about it. It blundered forward,sending the rafts whirling round and round.
❍ 抗日战争胜利了,美军顾问团在上海滩上神气活现,吉普车在马路上~,单是外白渡桥转弯那儿就不知道冲伤撞死多少中国人。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—439)Following the victory in the anti-Japanese war,jeeps of the American Advisory Group had careered madly through the city. Just at the corner of the Garden Bridge alone an untold number of Chinese had been killed or injured.
❍ 我们在上海路上走,时常会遇见两种~,对于对面或前面的行人,决不稍让的人物。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—281) Walking in the streets of Shanghai,we often come across two types of men who charge straight ahead and never step aside from pedestrians they meet head on or overtake.
❍ 马队象一阵风,咵咵的跑过来,在会场上~。(梁斌《红旗谱》355) Like a gust of wind the mounted police thundered towards them,galloping right and left through the meeting place.
❍ 匪徒们可以在这个烂泥塘里~,又可以在这烂泥塘里随时潜入螃蟹窝。这窝又是许许多多,远近都有,我们如不谨慎,会陷在烂泥塘里被他咬了脚。(曲波《林海雪原》179)The bandits can move about freely in the murk;whenever they feel like it they can scuttle back into their nests,which are all over the place. If we’re not careful we’re likely to get bitten.
❍ 董平在阵中~,两枝枪直杀到申牌以后,冲开条路,杀出去了。(《水浒全传》861) Dong Ping rushed hither and thither and he fought all day with those two spears of his. From dawn until mid-afternoon he fought and at last he forced a way through.
❍ 这个小伙子虽说实足年龄刚刚满十六岁,身个儿也长得平平常常,却有一般渔民特有的倔强脾气,走路说话都有点~,…… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》237) The lad had just turned sixteen and looked like any other boy of his age,but he had the tough resilience of a fisherman and in his walk and speech there was that quality of upright straight-forwardness.


dash around;jostle and elbow one’s way;barge (or charge) about;rampage

横冲直撞hénɡ chōnɡ zhí zhuànɡ

横着乱冲,直着乱撞。形容无所顾忌地乱冲乱撞。dash around madly, go on(the) rampage, run wild, act rashly





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