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单词 铁石心肠

铁石心肠tiě shí xīn cháng

have a hard heart; have a heart of marble (/steel/stone) a man without the bowels of compassion (/mercy/pity); be unmoved by feelings; callous; dead (/lost) to all feelings;flint-hearted; hard-hearted; have no bowels;heartless; iron-hearted; stony-hearted
❍ 梁三老汉眼睛盯着哩: 看他生宝想起上童养媳妇的坟不? 真是~的家伙呀! (柳青《创业史》284) Liang the Third watched to see whether Shengbao would go to the grave of his child-bride. The young fellow had a heart of stone.
❍ 清河崔琰: 天生坚刚; 虬髯虎目,~; …… (《三国演义》591) Cui Yan was born in Qinghe. Firm and un yielding was he,with beard crisp curling and gleaming eyes,which showed the man of stone and iron within.
❍ 就是~,能好受吗? (柳青《创业史》497)Even a man with a will of iron would be shaken severely.
❍ 忽听宝玉叹了一声道:“紫鹃姐姐!你从来不是这样~,怎么近来连一句好好儿的话都不和我说了?”(《红楼梦》477) Baoyu sighed,“Sister Zijuan! You used not to be so hard-hearted. How is it that nowadays you won’t even say a single kind word to me?”/这些老婆子都是~的,…… (《红楼梦》749) How can these old women be so heartless?/怨不得人家说你们这样的人,全是~,没有感情的人。(杨沫《青春之歌》368) No wonder they say that people of your sort are quite ruthless and utterly unfeeling.

铁石心肠tie shi xin chang

be ironhearted


be iron-hearted;have a heart of stone;be hard-hearted;be heartless

铁石心肠tiě shí xīn chánɡ

像铁和石头一样的心肠。形容人不为感情所动。be iron hearted, as firm as a rock, have a heart of stone, a man of iron, have no bowels, as hard as nails





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