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单词 translate
translate/træns′leɪt,trænz′-/ v [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)翻译(turn a spoken or esp written word or words from one language into another)[II+prep (from) (to),T+nT+n+prep (from)(to)]:~word for word 逐字翻译;His poetry/novels do not~well. 他的诗/小说不容易翻译得好。earn money by~ing 以翻译(文章)谋生;English~s more easily into German than into Japanese. 把英语译成德语要比译成日语容易。~a book/an article 翻译一本书/一篇文章;a novel newly~ed from the original English 新近根据英语原文翻译的一部小说;~an article/the legal jargon/some English books into German (plain English/Spanish) 把一篇文章/法律术语/一些英文书译为德文(简单明了的英语/西班牙语);~a novel from French into English 将一本小说由法文译成英文;〖同〗convert;

(2)化(变)为,以另一形式表达(思想、感情等)(convert;convey(ideasfeelingsetc from one form or style to another))[T+n+prep (into)]:~one's ideas/one's dreams/one's wishes into action (reality/deeds) 把自己的想法/梦想/希望变为行动(现实/实际行动);〖同〗 change,turn,transform,apply,convert,alter;

(3)解释,说明(explain (sth difficult) or technical) in simpler language)[T+nC+n+as]:It's difficult to~his silence. 很难解释他的沉默。~sb's silence as assent/dis-agreement 把某人的沉默看作是赞同/不同意的表示;~what the doctor has just said/sb's theorem into ordinary language (simpler terms) 用通俗易懂的语言(简单的术语)解释一下刚才医生所说的话/某人的定理;

(4)调动(move from one place to another)[T+n]:He is~ed to the countryside. 他被调到乡下去了。

→trans′latable adj 可翻译的;trans′lator n 译者,翻译家;trans′lation n 翻译;译文;

【注意】一般来说,从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,英语中说translate from one language into another,介词用into,而不用to。





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