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单词 blend
blend/blend/ v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]; n

v (1) 混合 (mix (different types of sth) to produce a certain effect)[T+n]:~tea so as to obtain a nice flavour 把几种茶叶混合在一起以得到一种香醇的口味;This tea is~ed by mixing camomile with pekoe.这种茶是用甘菊和白毫混合制成。~ed coffee/whisky/tobacco混合咖啡/威士忌/烟丝;〖同〗mix;〖反〗separate,divide;

(2) (使)溶(融)合 ((cause to) mix thoroughly)[I I+prep (with), I+adv (together), T+n T+n+prep (with), T+n+adv (together)]:Blue and yellow~to make green.蓝色和黄色混合生成绿色。Sugar~s easily.糖容易溶合。Oil and water do not~.油水不相溶。Oil does not~with water.油不溶于水。~the ingredients in a recipe 把这些配料按配方混合在一起;~eggs with milk 把鸡蛋搅入牛奶中;~eggs and milk/water and flour together把鸡蛋和牛奶/水和面粉搅拌在一起;〖同〗mix,combine;

(3) 1) 协调,相称 (go well together; look or sound good together) [I I+prep(with),I+adv(together)]:The houses~well (perfectly)with the countryside/the landscape/the trees.那些房子与乡间环境/景色/树木非常协调。The red sofa did not~with the purple wall/the colours of the room/the rug. 红沙发和紫色的墙/房间的色调/地毯不协调。The two voices/colours~(together/with each other) well.这两个人的声音汇合/两种颜色配合在一起很和谐。Their voices~ed marvellously as they sang in harmony.他们配合在一起唱时声音非常协调。2) 融合 ((esp of colours) become combined into a single whole) [I I+prep(into)]:The house and the countryside seem to~(into each other).房子和乡村景色似乎融为了一体。The house seems to~into the countryside. 房子融入乡村景色显得很协调。The sea and the sky (skyline) seemed to~into each other.海与天似乎融为了一体。

blend in (v adv) 1) 协调 (vi):The house~ed in with its surroundings.房子与周围环境协调。2) 调入(vt):~in a little flour 调入一点点面粉;

→′blender n (AmE) 榨汁机;′blending n 混合;溶(融)合;

n 混合物 (mixture) [C]:a fine (new)~of tea/coffee/colours 一种不错的(新的)混合茶/咖啡/色彩; a~of different oils不同油的混合物;a mild~of pipe tobacco 一种柔和的混合烟丝;a~of coffee and chocolate咖啡和巧克力的混合物;a~of modern and classical dance现代舞和古典舞的结合; a pleasant~of charm and simplicity (fig) 魅力与朴实的完美结合; His manner was a~of friendliness and respect/charm and politeness. (fig)他的态度既友善又充满敬意/既有魅力又彬彬有礼。〖同〗mixture,combination;〖反〗separation,division





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