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单词 observation
释义 observation /.obza'veijn; ’abzMveJan/ n 1 [U] observing or being observed: 观察; 注养: ~ of natural phenomena; 自然现象的观秦; escape ~. 不为人所注意; 没有被察觉。 be/come under ~, be observed. 被观察中; 被看到。 keep sb under ~, watch him carefully (eg a suspected criminal by the police; a hospital patient by the medical staff). 注意观察某人 (如警察对可疑的罪犯; 医护人员对医院中的病人) 。 '~ car, (in a railway train) one with wide windows through which to watch the scenery, etc. (火车之) 了望车 (有宽濶的窗户以供观赏风景等者) 。 '~ post, (mil) post as near to the enemy's lines as possible, from which reports of the enemy's movements may be obtained. (军) 观测所; 监视哨; 了望哨。 2 [U] power of taking notice: 观察力: a man of little ~. 观察力极差的人。 3 [U] (usu pl) collected and recorded information: (通常用复数) 经收集并作记录的资料; 观测报吿: Has he published his ~s on bird life in the Antarctic yet? 他已经把观察南极鸟类生活的报吿出版了吗? 4 take an ~, take the altitude of the sun or other heavenly body in order to find the latitude and longitude of one's position. 测天 (测量太阳或其他天体的高度,借以测定本身所处位置的经纬度) 。




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