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单词 melt
释义 melt /melt; melt/ vt, vi (pt, pp ~ed; pp as adj (of metal) 过去分词用作形容词而指金属时作 molten) /'maultan; 'moltn/ 1 [VP6A, 15B, 2A, C] (cause to) become liquid through heating: 血) 赢花; (使) 熔化: The ice will ~ when the sun shines on it. 当太阳照到冰的时候,冰就融化。 The hot sun soon ~ed the ice. 炎热的太阳很快地把冰融化了。 It is easy to ~ butter. 融化奶油很容易。 ~ away, become less, disappear, by ~ing: 融掉; 融化而消失: The snow soon ~ed away when the sun came out. 太阳出来后不久,雪就融化掉了。 Her money seemed to ~ away in Paris. 在巴黎,她的钱好像一会儿就花掉了。 The crowd quickly ~ed away (— dispersed) when the storm broke. 暴风雨来袭,人群很快地四散 To ~ sth down, ~ (a metal article) in order to use the metal as raw material, 熔毁某物; 熔化 (金属器, 以作错造之材料) 。 2 [VP2A, C] (of soft food) dissolve, be softened, easily: (指软的食物) 易于溶解或软化: This cake/pear ~s in the mouth. 这蛋糕 (梨) 到嘴里就软化了。 3 [VP2A, 6A] (of a solid in a liquid) dissolve: (指液体中的固体) (使) 溶解; 溶于: Sugar ~s in tea/Hot tea sugar. 糖溶于茶 (热茶使糖溶化) 。 4 [VP6A, 2C] (of a person, heart, feelings) soften, be softened: (指人、人心、 感情) (使) 软化; (使) 感动: Her heart ~ed with pity. 她的心因怜悯而软化。 Pity ~ed her heart. 怜悯软化了她的心。 She ~ed into tears. 她感动得哭起来了。 5 [VP2C] fade; go (slowly) away: 褪色; 逐渐消失; 变淡: One colour ~ed into another, eg in the sky at sunset. 一种颜色渐渐变成另一种颜色 (如在日落时之天空景色) 。 ~ing adj (fig) tender; sentimental: (喻) 柔情的:感伤的: in a ~ing voice/mood. 以感伤的声音 (情绪) 。 ing-point n temperature at which a solid ~s. (固体的) 熔点。 Lead has a lower ~ing-point than iron. 铅的熔点比铁低。 '~ing-pot n a pot in which metals, etc, are ~ed. 熔烧。 go into the ~ing-pot, (fig) undergo a radical change. (喻) 彻底改变。 b place, country, eg US, where immigrants from many different countries are assimilated. 各不同种族之移民受同化的地方或国家 (如美国); 大熔炉。




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