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单词 逞强好胜

逞强好胜chěng qiáng hào shèng

be vigorous and strong-minded; parade one's superiority and strive to outshine others
❍ 她今年二十三岁,因为经历多,在社会上吃的苦头不少,全靠自己的劳动来养活自己,天不怕地不怕,遇事勇往直前,~,长得如同三十上下的人一样。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—287) She was only twenty-two but her wealth of experience and the difficult struggle she had had in life,having to keep herself entirely by her own efforts,had made her utterly fearless and she went at difficulties like a bull at a gate; she was full of energy and behaved like a woman of thirty.
❍ 父亲也是个~的人,气的拿起桌子上的菜刀就向她头上劈下来。(周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—287) Her father was as violent and strong-minded as she was,and he was so incensed that he picked up a large vegetable knife from the table and went for her with it.

逞强好胜chěnɡ qiánɡ hào shènɡ

炫耀自己的才能,以试图超过别人。parade one’s superiority and strive to outshine others, be vigorous curd strong-minded





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:23:00