熙[]xīⅠ [书] ❶ (光明) bright; sunny ❷ (兴盛) prosperous ❸ (和乐) gay; merry Ⅱ [书] ❶ (曝晒) expose to the sun ❷ (兴起) rise ❸ (嬉戏) play Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname ◆熙春茶 hyson; young hyson; 熙来攘往 the hustle and bustle of large crowds; coming and going in crowds; 熙熙而来 coming in large crowds; 熙熙攘攘 streams of people busily coming and going; bustling with activity; people bustling about; pushing and yelling; the hustle and bustle of large crowds; There is a noisy crowd.; with people bustling about |