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单词 May
释义 May /mei; me/ n 1 the fifth month of the year. 五月。 'May Day, 1st of May, celebrated as a spring festival and also as a day for socialist and labour demonstrations. 五商节(五月一日,西洋的春节); 劳动节(五月一日)。 'May Queen, girl crowned with flowers on May Day. 五朔节花后(五朔节以花冠加冕为后之少女)。 may-beetle, maybug n cockchafer. 金级子。 'mayfly n short-lived insect tnai appears in May. 蜉蛎(出现于五月)。 。 msv pole n flower-decorated pole danced round on May Day. 五月柱(用花卉装饰的柱子,于五朔节日供男女围愿着跳舞者)。 2 m ~, hawthorn (blossom). /'meibi: ; 'mebi/ adv perhaps; possibly. 也山植花。




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