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❶ (戳开) open up or clear out by poking or jabbing; poke; jab: ~ 炉子 poke up the fire; ~ 下水道 jab the cleaning rod into a sewer pipe
❷ (有路达到) lead to; go to: 四 ~ 八达 extend in all directions; be linked by rail and road to various parts of the country; 这条高速公路直 ~ 沈阳。 The expressway goes [leads] straight to Shenyang.
❸ (连接; 相来往) connect; communicate; transmit: 沟 ~ 情况 communicate news; 暗 ~ 款曲 send secret messages; 互 ~ 情报 exchange information; 互 ~ 有无 each supplies what the other needs; supply each other's needs; 两个房间是 ~ 着的。 The two rooms are connected [open into each other].
❹ (传达; 使知道) notify; tell: ~ 个电话 phone sb. up; give sb. a ring ; call up sb.; ~ 名报姓 tell one's name
❺ (了解; 懂得) understand; know; master: 精 ~ 英语 have a good command of English ; 无师自 ~ learn without teacher; self-taught; 他 ~ 三种语言。 He knows three languages. Ⅱ ❶ (精通某一方面的人) authority; expert: 中国 ~ an old China hand; Sinologue; 日本 ~ an expert on Japan; 万事 ~ know-all; Jack of all trades; a master of everything
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 琦 Tong Qi Ⅲ ❶ (不堵塞的) open; through: 直 ~ 街道 a through street; 大便畅 ~ open bowels; 电话打 ~ 了。 The call has been put through. 这个主意行得 ~。 This idea will work.
❷ (通顺) logical; coherent: 文章写得文理不 ~ 。 The essay is ungrammatical and incoherent.
❸ (普通; 一般) common; general: ~ 称 a general term; 词的 ~ 常读音 the general pronunciation of a word; 普 ~ 拍子 common time
❹ (整个; 全部) all; whole; entire: ~ 身 the whole body; ~ 观全局 take an overall view of the situation; ~ 宵达旦 all night long; ~ 盘规划 overall planning Ⅳ (用于文书电报): 一 ~ 文书 an official document; 一 ~ 电报 a telegram
另见 see also tònɡ。
◆通报 circulate a notice; circular; bulletin; journal; brief; give information to; notification for general information; share information with; 通鼻窍 clearing the nasal passage; bring about a clearance of nasal passage; relieving stuffy nose; 通便 relaxing the bowels; free movement of the bowels; 通病 common failing; 通材教育 liberal education; 通才 an all-round person; a universal genius; liberal; general talent; 通常 general; usual; normal; 通畅 unobstructed; clear; free; open; easy and smooth; 通车 be open to traffic; have transport service; 通彻 understand thoroughly; 通称 be generally called; be generally known as; so called; a general term; common name; popular name; 通达 understand; 通达世情 well acquainted with the ways of the world; be thoroughly acquainted with the worldly affairs; know the world; 通道 thoroughfare; passageway; pass; enterclose; gallery; drong; tunnel; avenue; alure; way; row; key hole; lead; tube; passage; channel; 通敌 collude with the enemy; have illicit relations with the enemy; fraternize; 通电 set up an electric circuit; electrify; energize; be charged with electricity; power on; circular telegram; 通牒 diplomatic note; 通都大邑 large city; metropolis; metropolitan cities; 通读 read through; understand what one reads; 通断 break-make; on-off; 通分 {数} reduction of fractions to a common denominator; 通分母 reduction of fractions to a common denominator; 通风 ventilate; air; be well ventilated; divulge information; tip-off; {工} ventilation; draughtiness; perflation; 通风报信 send news secretly; furnish [divulge] secret information; provide someone with information; send a secret message; tip sb. off; 通稿 wire copy; 通告 give public notice; announce; public notice; circular; announcement; circular note; 通功易事 share out the work and cooperate with one another; division of labor; interchange production and labor; work in cooperation with a due division of labor; 通共 in all; altogether; all told;
通沟 thorough cut; 通观 look at sth. all-sidedly; 通观全局 take a comprehensive view of the situation as a whole; 通国 the whole nation; the whole country; 通过 pass through; get past; traverse; adopt; pass; carry;
通海运河 maritime canal; 通函 communicate through correspondence; 通航 be open to navigation or air traffic; 通好 [书] (of nations) have friendly relations; 通红 very red; red through and through; 通话 communicate by telephone; call; message; converse; talk with sb.; hold conversation; 通婚 be related by marriage; intermarry; 通婚法 jus conubii; jus connubii; 通货 {经} currency; current money; 通货膨胀 inflation; mounting inflation; currency inflation; expansion of the currency; the inflating of currency; 通缉 order the arrest of a criminal at large; list as wanted; 通奸 commit adultery; fornicate; 通奸宽恕 {律} condonation; 通解 general solution; 通今博古 conversant with things present and past; erudite and informed; be versed in ancient and modern; 通经 stimulate the menstrual flow; restoring menstrual flow; inducing or increasing menstruation; 通经活络 clearing and activating the channels and collaterals; 通经止痛 inducing menstruation to relieve menalgia; 通栏标题 banner headline; banner; 通廊 vestibule; 通孔宜尊 Current usages and customs are to be respected.; 通利血脉 promoting blood circulation; 通例 common practice; usual practice; general rules; 通例可援 Usages can be quoted.; 通力 concerted effort; 通力合作 act with united strength; cooperate with a common effort; everybody pitching in for common work [a common task]; give full cooperation to ...; make a concerted [united] effort; pull well (together); 通联 communications; united effort; 通连 be connected; lead to; 通量 {物} flux; shower; 通亮 well-illuminated; brightly lit; 通令 issue a general order; a general [circular] order; 通路 thoroughfare; highway; highroad; route; viae; lead; outlet; approach; passage; gangway; access; close circuit; closed circuit; completed circuit; closed canal; channel; circuit; 通论 a sensible argument; a well-rounded argument; a general survey; an introduction; 通络止痛 removing obstruction in channels to relieve pain; 通脉 {中医} invigorating pulse- beat; promoting circulation of qi; promoting lactation; 通门 open gate; 通明 well- illuminated; brightly lit; 通谋 conspire (with sb.); collude; 通年 throughout the year; all the year round; 通盘 overall, all-round; comprehensive; 通盘筹划 calculate the whole lot at once; make a general estimate; draw up an all-round scheme — a complete plan; 通盘考虑 taking all things into consideration; consider every possible angle; 通盘战略 comprehensive strategy; 通票 through ticket; 通铺 a wide bed for a number of people; 通气 ventilate; aerate; be in touch with each other; keep each other informed; 通气管 breather pipe; 通窍 understand things; be sensible or reasonable; 通勤(客)车 varnish; 通勤票 a commuter's ticket; 通情达理 show common [good] sense; be reasonable and fair; be understanding and amenable to reason; have the grace to; reasonable; showing good sense; stand to sense [reason]; use reason in ...; 通衢 towngate; main road; thoroughfare; 通权达变 be capable of versatility; act as the occasion requires; adaptable to changing circumstances; adapt oneself to circumstances; do as necessity demands; follow a flexible course of action; not bound by old rules; 通人 [书] a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship; 通人达才 erudite and informed persons; persons well versed in ancient and modern; persons of wide reading and great ability; 通融 make an exception in sb.'s favour; stretch rules; get around regulations; accommodate sb. with a short-term loan; 通商 (of nations) have trade rela ̄ tions; commercial intercourse; 通身 the whole body;
通史 comprehensive history; general history; 通事达理 be understanding and amenable to reason; understand human affairs; understand the principles which underlie human affairs; understand things; 通顺 clear and coherent; smooth; 通俗 popular; common; 通俗歌曲 popular song; 通俗上口 be easily accepted among the people; easy to sing; 通俗易懂 popular and easy to understand; in popular and easy-to-understand language; 通体 whole body; the entire body; 通天 direct access to the highest authorities; exceedingly high; {穴位} Tongtian (B 7); 通天本领 an exceptional ability; 通天彻地 know everything about Heaven and Earth; exceedingly high ability; superhuman skill; 通条 poker; cleaning rod; 通通 all; entirely; completely; 通同一气 be in league with ...; 通同作弊 join together in practising fraud; act fraudulently in collusion with sb.; be in collusion over corrupt practices; collude in evildoing; gang up to cheat; work together in illegal transactions; 通途 thorough ̄ fare; 通脱 [书] unconventional; open-minded; 通脱不羁 be free from petty formalisms and unrestrained; 通脱自喜 not too much concerned about social approval; unconventional; 通项 {数} general term; 通向 lead to; 通宵 all-night; the whole night; 通宵达旦 all through the night; all night till dawn; throughout the whole night until dawn; work round the clock; work through the night; 通晓 thoroughly understand; have a good knowledge; drench; 通晓世故 be perfectly familiar with the ways of the world; 通晓事理 thoroughly understand the reason; 通心粉 macaroni; macaronis; macaronies; 通信 communication; communicate by letter; correspond; 通信兵 signal corps [unit; troops]; signalman; 通信量 {电} traffic; communication traffic; 通信媒体 transmission media; 通信区 communication area; 通信网 {电} net; communication network; 通信卫星 communication satellite; 通信线路 {讯} link; telecommunication line; 通行 go through; pass through; current; general; 通行无阻 go through without hindrance; accessible to public; open thoroughfare; 通宿 all night long; 通血脉 promoting blood circulation; 通讯 communication; news report; news dispatch; correspondence; newsletter; 通阳 {中医} activating yang; 通洋运河 interoceanic canal;
通夜 all night; the whole night; 通夜不眠 sit [stay] up all night; 通夜思索 consult one's pillow all night; 通译 translate; interpreter; 通因通用 treating diarrhea with purgative; 通用 be in common use; be current; apply or be used universally; general; universal; common; 通邮 accessible by postal communication; 通则 general rule; 通知 notice; circular; advise; notify; inform; give notice; 通奏 {音} continuo


(用于动作): 大哭了一 ~ have a good cry; 发了一 ~ 牢骚 utter a grumble; 擂鼓三 ~ three rolls of the drums; 说了他一 ~ give him a talking-to
另见 see also tōnɡ。





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