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❶ (鸟、虫等在空中活动) fly;flit:鸟在空中 ~ 来 ~ 去。 Birds flit about in the sky.
❷ (利用动力机械在空中行动) fly:由上海直 ~ 北京 fly nonstop from Shanghai to Beijing
❸ (在空中飘浮游动) fly;float or flutter in the air:~ 雪花了。 Snowflakes flutter in the air.
❹ [口] (挥发) volatilize:香味儿 ~ 了。 The sweet scent disappeared. Ⅱ ❶ (意外的) unexpected;accidental:~ 祸 unexpected calamity
❷ (凭空而来的) unfounded;groundless:流言 ~ 语 rumours and slanders Ⅲ (形容极快) swiftly;speedily:~ 报 report quickly;~ 跑 run swiftly;~ 步上楼 whisk upstairs Ⅳ ❶ [方] (自行车的飞轮) free wheel of a bicycle
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 卫 Fei Wei
◆飞靶发射机 trap;
飞靶射击 skeet;
飞靶投射室 low-house;
飞白 a style of calligraphy characterized by hollow strokes,as if done with a half-dry brush;
飞摆试验 pendulum test;
飞奔 run at full speed;run like the wind;run like mad;
飞边 overlap; fins; rag; trimming;{机} parting-line flash;
飞车走壁 {杂技} stunt cycling,driving or motorcycling on the inner surface of a cylindrical wall;
飞尘 flying dust;floating dust;
飞程 flight distance;
飞驰 go at express speed;dart on;dash forward;go at a gallop;speed along;
飞虫 winged insect;
飞出时间 departure time;
飞刍挽粟 deliver provisions for the army speedily;
飞雏 pteropaedes;
飞船 ship;airship;dirigible;areoboat;vehicle;
飞弹 missile;missile plane;fly-bomb;doodlebug;flying bomb;buzz-bomb;stray bullet;dart;
飞刀 fly-cutter;
飞到时间 arrival time;
飞地 land of one province or county enclosed by that of another;enclave;exclave;
飞点 flying spot;
飞碟 flying saucer;UFO (unidentified flying object);bogey;bogy;bogie (pl,bogeys;bogies);clay pigeon;
飞痘 {中医} pustules from smallpox vaccination;
飞短流长 talk behind sb.'s back;flying rumors;spread embroidered stories and malicious gossip;talk about other people;tell tales;
飞蛾 moth;
飞蛾扑火 A flying moth darts into the fire [flame].; A moth flutters about the light.;seeking one's own doom;The candle moth flies into the fire — to bring destruction on oneself.;
飞蛾扑火,惹焰烧身 be like a moth flying into the flame to burn its own body;
飞蛾扑火,自取灭亡 When the moth flies around the flame,it burns itself to death.;seek one's own doom like moths flying into the fire;
飞法 {中医} flying method;
飞飞扬扬 spread embroidered stories;
飞觥献斝 The large cups are used and passed around in great(er) frequency.;
飞觥走斝cup after cup;
飞归 a way of reckoning division with a two-digit divisor on the abacus;
飞过 fly pass;fly across;fly over;
飞航导弹 cruising missile;
飞红了脸 The red flew into one's face.;... blush scarlet; 飞狐猴 flying lemur; 飞花 {纺} flyings;fly;fleurvolante;
飞环 flying barrel;
飞黄腾达 be successful in one's official career;climb up the social ladder rapidly;come into one's kingdom;get rapid promotion [series of successes] in life;have a meteoric rise;make one's way in the world;make rapid advances in one's career;rapid promotion to high official rank;rise high;rise to a position of great importance;soar aloft;
飞蝗 migratory locust;
飞灰 fly ash;flying ash;
飞火 jump fire;
飞机 airplane;plane;aeroplane;kite;bird;aircraft;
飞机场 airport;airfield;landing strip;flying field;aerodrome;aeroport;aerotrack;
飞机间通信 plane-to-plane communication;
飞机库 garage;aeroshed;[英] hangarage;hangar;aeroplane shed;
飞机订票系统 airline reservation system;
飞溅 splash;gabble;sparging;spatter;spattering;spray;spill;
飞将军 courageous and skilful general or soldier in battle;
飞脚 flying kick;
飞快 very fast;extremely sharp;razorsharp;
飞来飞去 fly round and round;butterfly;flit to and fro;fly hither and thither;
飞来峰 {地} klippe;klip;nappe outlier;
飞来横祸 unexpected trouble [disaster];an unforeseen disaster [misfortune];飞来艳福 an unexpected romance (affair with a beauty);
飞缆渡船 flying ferry;
飞廉 {植} welted thistle;a surname;
飞龙 pterosaur;
飞轮 {机} flywheel;free wheel (of a bicycle);fly;
飞马来报 take post to report;
飞毛腿 fleet-footed;fleet-footed runner;fast walker [runner];飞毛腿导弹 scud missile;
飞鸣 flight song;
飞沫传染 {医} droplet infection;infection through breathing in flying particles of the saliva or phlegm of a sick person;
飞鸟归巢 The birds are flying back to their nests.;
飞鸟回波 bird echo;echo from bird;
飞鸟之景,未尝动也 The shadow of a flying bird is not in motion.;
飞鸟撞击 bird strike;
飞盘 flying saucer;flying disc;{体} Frisbee;
飞跑 dash;race;tear;
飞蓬 {植} bitter fleabane;robin's plantain;pride-weed;
飞篷垢面 dishevelled and dirty;
飞瀑 waterfall;
飞起一脚 shoot up a foot;
飞潜走植 birds,fish,animals and plants—fauna and flora;
飞禽 birds;
飞禽走兽 birds and animals [beasts];fowls and beasts;
飞球 flyball;
飞泉 cliffside spring;
飞人滑翔 {体} handgliding;
飞柔(墨)鱼 flying squid;
飞沙 blown sand;quick sand;
飞沙洲模型[彗星] “Flying Sandbank” model;
飞沙走石 flying sand and rolling pebbles;a wind that carries sand and drives stones;sand and stones flying (as in a storm);Sand flows in clouds,pebbles are swept along the ground.;Stones are driven along and sand is whirled about.;The whirlwind throws sand and stones in all directions.;
飞身上马 leap to the horse's back in a flying mount;vault into the saddle;
飞声腾实 One's name soars up high.;
飞升 fly up to heaven;
飞虱 plant hopper;
飞矢 flying arrow;
飞逝 flight;fleet (away);pass away swiftly;fly;
飞鼠 flying squirrel;polatouche;
飞速 at full speed;
飞腾 fly swiftly upward;soar;
飞天 {美术} flying Apsaras (as in the frescoes of the Dunhuang Caves);
飞铁脚 flyweight paw;
飞艇 boat seaplane;airship;dirigible;[俗] flybrow;
飞舞 dance in the air;flutter;
飞檄传诏 deliver an urgent dispatch calling sb. back;
飞线 fly line;
飞翔 flight;circle in the air;hover;
飞斜纹 skip twills;
飞屑 flying chip;
飞行 flight;flying;aviate;voyage;volitate;hop;
飞行器 aerobat;air vehicle;beast;bird;flight vehicle;
飞行时间 {航空} flight time;time of flight;
飞行线间距 flight-line spacing;
飞行员 pilot;flier;flyer;aviator;[口] birdman (pl. birdmen);
飞絮 willow catkins flying in the air;
飞雪迎春 Flying snow welcomes Spring's return.;
飞檐 cornice;water tabling;larmier;overhanging eaves;{建} upturned eaves;
飞檐走壁 fly over [on] the eaves and run on [up] the walls;fly from house to house and walk on walls;leap from the ground to the roof of a house and walk upon walls;leap onto roofs and vault over walls;make one's way into a house over walls and roofs;
飞眼 make eyes;ogle;
飞燕草 Delphinium ajacis;delbine;larkspur;poisonweed;
飞扬 fly upward;rise;{穴位} Feiyang (B 58);飞扬跋扈 become powerful and intransigent;act like overlords;be arrogant and domineering;domineer over ...;throw one's weight around [about];飞扬草 {中药} hairy euphorbia;hairy spurge;Herba Euphorbiae Hirtae;
飞扬浮躁 impetuous and unsteady;
飞翼 all-wing aircraft;kite;hang-glider;
飞鹰走犬 fly one's falcons and course one's hounds;hunt with a pack of hounds or with falcons;
飞鱼 {动} flying fish;volador;
飞鱼星座 {天} Flying Fish;Pisces Volan;Volans (Vol);
飞语中伤 slander with flying rumours — defame;
飞越 flyby;flyover;overflight;
飞跃 leap;{哲} leap;
飞云 scud;rack;
飞灾 unexpected disaster;
飞灾横祸 unexpected disaster [trouble];sudden misfortune;
飞贼 a burglar who makes his way into a house over walls and roofs;an intruding enemy airman;air marauder;
飞涨 (of prices,etc.) soar;skyrocket;
飞针走线 The needle seems to fly and the thread seems to run.;do needlework very skilfully;flying [rapid] stitches;quick work with the needle;sew quickly;use the needle with great speed;
飞舟 swift boat


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