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(传送;传递) hand over;pass;give:~ 眼色 tip sb. the wink;wink at sb.;shoot a glance at sb.;convey a hint;
给他 ~ 个口信 take a message to him;
把油漆罐和刷子 ~ 上来。 Pass up the paint pot and brush. 请把那包东西[那几张画;我的帽子] ~ 给我。 Please hand me that parcel [those pictures;my cap]. 他昨天 ~ 上了辞呈。 He gave in his resignation yesterday. Ⅱ (顺着次序) in the proper order;successively:~ 升 promote to the next rank
◆递补 fill vacancies in the proper [arranged] order;
递给 hand over;pass on;
递归 {数} recurrence;recur ̄ sion;
递加 (递增) progressively increase;successively increase;increase gradually;increase by degrees;
递减 decrease progressively [successively];decrease by degrees;reduce progressively;
递降 degradation;decrease gradually;progressive decrease;go down progres ̄ sively;be reduced by degrees;
递交 hand over;present;submit;deliver;
递解 escort (a criminal) from one place to another;
递进 go forward one by one;
递升 rise or increase progressively;
递送 send; deliver; 递推 [归] recursion;recurrence;
递延 defer;
递眼色 give a signal with the eyes;signal with the eyes;signify by winking — conveying a hint or making a sign;
递增 increase progressively;increase by degrees:





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