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❶ (渗透; 穿透) penetrate; pass [seep] through: 凉风 ~ 骨 be chilled to the bones; ~ 不过气来 breathe hard; ~ 过现象看本质 see through the appearance to get at the essence; 阳光 ~ 过窗户照进来。 Sunlight came in through the windows.; The sun shines in at the window.
❷ (暗地里告诉) tell secretly; let out; leak out: ~ 个信儿 tip sb. off; 这消息已 ~ 露出去了。The news has leaked out.
❸ (显露) show; appear: 白里 ~ 红 white touched with red; 他身上 ~ 出一股英气。 He shows a heroic spirit. 她脸上 ~ 出幸福的微笑。 A happy smile appeared on her face. Ⅱ ❶ (透彻) thoroughly; completely: 猜 ~ 了她的心思 read her mind; figured out what's on her mind; 摸 ~ 了这匹马的脾气 get to know the horse well; 对问题了解得很 ~ have an intimate knowledge of the subject; know the subject inside out; 他这个人我看 ~ 了, 没有什么真才实学。 I've seen through him; he's not a man of real learning.
❷ (达到饱满的、充分的程度) fully: 湿 ~ 了 wet through; 糟 ~ 了 too bad; 无聊 ~ 了 extremely bored; 忙 ~ 了 very busy; 樱桃熟 ~了。 The cherries are quite ripe. 雨下 ~ 了。 It was a real good soaker. Ⅲ ❶ (彻底的) thorough
❷ (透明的) transparent
◆透不过气 suffocate; smother; 透彻 penetrating; thorough; incisive; 透磁合金 {物} permalloy; permeability alloy; 透底 reveal the ins and outs of the matter; disclose the inside story; 透顶 [贬] thoroughly; downright; in the extreme; through and through; 透风 let in air; ventilate; divulge a secret; leak; 透光 photopermeability; pervious to light; translucidus; transmitting; 透镜 {物} lens; optical lens; 透窥镜 diaphanoscope; 透亮儿 allow light to pass through; 透亮 bright; transparent; perfectly clear; 透漏 divulge; leak; reveal; 透露 divulge; leak; disclose; reveal; 透明 transparent; vifrification; hyaline; diaphaneity; lucency; 透明包装 see-through package; 透明窗信封 window envelope; 透明度 pellucidity; transparency; transmitance; diaphaneity; open politics; degree of openness (to ordinary people); 透辟 penetrating; incisive; thorough; 透气 ventilate; breathe freely; 透气性 {化} breathability; gas permeability; air permeability; 透热(的) {物} diathermanous; 透射 {电} {物} penetrance; transmission; homology; passage; passing;
透视 perspective; perspectivity; {医} have an X-ray examination; be X-rayed; fluoroscopy; roent ̄ genoscopy;
透水 permeable; pervious to water; 透天凉 cool-producing needling; 透听 clairaudience; 透析 dialysis; 透心腐烂 rotten to the core; 透心凉 penetrating coolness; utterly disappointing; 透印 {刷} strike- through; 透雨 saturating [soaking] rain; soaker; 透支 {经} overdraw; make an overdraft; overdraft; take out an overdraft; draw one's salary in advance; deficit; 透紫外线玻璃 ultraviolet ray transmitting glass; uviol glass; vitaglass; glass for ultraviolet rays; Lindemann glass; corex; sunalux glass; 透字签名 perforated signature





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