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单词 适可而止

适可而止shì kě ér zhǐ

a little wind kindles,much puts out the fire; be satisfied with what is proper;better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us; bind the sack before it is full; enough is as good as a feast; enough is enough; go just as far as propitiousness (/propriety) requires; keep within proper bounds (/limits); know how far to go; know when and where to stop; let well alone; not overdo a thing; play it just right; stop before going too far
❍ 没有什么!不过以后喝酒要~,喝多了容易误事!(知侠《铁道游击队》 75) It’s nothing! But you must be more mode rate in your drinking. Too much wine can easily lead to serious trouble!/彭总背着手,来回踱步,思量着,重复地说:“~!”(杜鹏程《保卫延安》427) His hands behind his back,the general walked up and back a few paces.“Its effectiveness is limited. ”/周恩来同志向他们说明斗争要有策略,签字是个形式,可以~。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—44) Comrade Zhou Enlai explained to them on this point that there should be tactics in the struggle. Chiang’s signature might simply be a kind of formality. One had to know how far to go and where to stop.
❍ 总而言之,薪水既经到手,这些事便应该 “~,毋贪心也” 的,否则,怕难免有些危机。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》138) At all events,since I had received my pay I should“know when to stop,”otherwise it might be dangerous.
❍ 幸而姨太太急于要赴约,当下也就~。(茅盾《子夜》)240) Fortunately for him,she was in a hurry to get to her mahjong party,and seemed willing to let it go at that.
❍ 严知孝紧插上一句,说: “事到~,过则犹不及。……”(梁斌《红旗谱》412) Yan put in quickly: “You don’t want to go too far—or you may be sorry…”/太太连忙点头,一来是盼望老爷~,休息休息,二来是想起已到了下厨去督办的时间。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—123) Madam hastily nodded her agreement. She hoped the Master wouldn’t overdo it that he’d stop here and rest; beside,it was time for her to supervise the cook.


stop before going too far;know when(or where) to stop;not overdo a thing (or exceed the proper limits)
要~。One shouldn’t overdo it.or:One should stop before going too far.or:One should have a sense of proportion./凡事~saris quod sufficit[拉]

适可而止shì kě ér zhǐ

到了适当的程度就应停下来。指对某事(人)不过分追求,给自己留有余地。not overdo it, know how far to go, know when to stop, leave it at that





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