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❶ (分辨不清; 失去判断力) be confused; lose one's way; get lost: ~ 了方向 lose one's bearings; get lost
❷ (沉醉于) be fascinated by; indulge in; be enchanted with [by]; be crazy about: ~ 上了溜冰 be crazy on [about] skating; 入了 ~ be fascinated; be enchanted; 被她 ~ 住了 be infatuated with her
❸ (使看不清; 使迷惑; 使陶醉) confuse; perplex; fascinate; enchant: 财 ~ 心窍 be befuddled by a craving for wealth; 当局者 ~。 The player can't see most of the game. Ⅱ ❶ (沉醉于某一事物的人) fan; enthusiast; fiend; maniac: 棋 ~ a chess enthusiast; 影 ~ a movie fan; a film fiend; 财 ~ moneygrubber; miser; 藏书 ~ bibliomaniac
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 唐 Mi Tang
◆迷彩服 camouflage clothes; 迷洞 maze cave; 迷宫 maze; labyrinth; 迷航 drift off course; lose one's course; get lost; disorientation in flight; 迷糊 misted; blurred; dimmed; dazed; confused; muddled; 迷幻术 sorcery; 迷幻药 hallucinogenic; acid; dimethyltryptamine (DMT); 迷魂汤 sth. intended to turn sb.'s head; enticing spell; magic potion; honeyed words; 迷魂阵 a scheme for confusing or bewildering sb.; a scheme to bewitch sb.; decoy; maze; the charming company of beautiful women; trap; 迷惑 puzzle; declude; confuse; perplex; baffle; 迷惑人心 throw dust in the eyes of the public; be fuddle public opinion; pull the wool over people's eyes; confuse the masses; 迷津 {心理} maze; 迷离 blurred; misted; 迷离扑朔 confused and unable to distinguish between male and female; bewildering; complicated and confusing; confusing; unable to distinguish whether one is a male or a female; 迷离惝恍 being confused and flurried; a dreamy condition of mind; a state of mental absorption; blurred; indistinct; misted; 迷恋 be infatuated with; madly cling to; infatuation; 迷路 miss one's way; lose one's way; get lost; go the wrong way; loose one's bearings; can't find one's way; stray; {解} labyrinth; inner ear; mavericks; 迷漫 vague; hazy; indistinct; 迷茫 vast and hazy; confused; perplexed; dazed; 迷梦 pipe dream; fond illusion; 迷迷糊糊 in a daze; difficult to make out; 迷你裙 miniskirt; 迷人 charming; fascinating; enchanting; bewitching; 迷失 lose (one's way, etc.); 迷失方向 lose one's bearings [orientation]; get lost; drift off course; disorientation; 迷睡 catochus; eclipsis; trance; 迷途 lose one's way; wrong path; 迷途知返 become aware of one's errors and turn back from one's wrong path; able to correct one's own mistake; be aware that one has strayed from (the) right path; be determined to correct mistakes one has made; realize one's errors and mend one's ways; 迷惘 alusia; befuddlement; be perplexed; be at a loss; 迷雾 dense fog; anything that misleads people; 迷信 superstition; superstitious belief; blind faith; blind worship; have blind faith in; make a fetish of; 迷住 charm; fascinate; bewitch; entrance; enchant; 迷醉 be fascinated by

❶be confused or lost
❷fascinated by;engrossed in; crazy about
❸fan; enthusiast
上网着了~be absorbed (or engrossed) in surf ing the internet/桥牌~ bridge fiend (or enthusiast)/戏~opera fan/足球~ football fan/财~心窍be obsessed by lust for wealth





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