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单词 迫在眉睫

迫在眉睫迫在眉梢pò zài méi jié

extremely(/most) urgent; hard-pressed; immediate; immi nent;impending; loom ahead; of the utmost urgency;pressing; stare sb in the face
❍ 但是一种从未有过的激情,在她的心里汹涌着,使她忘掉了冷,忘掉了~的险境,…… (杨沫《青春之歌》231) At the same time the new exaltation in her heart helped her to forget the cold and her immediate danger,…/大规模的内战迫在眉梢,国家民族处于生死存亡的严重关头。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—38) Total civil war was imminent,and it was a critical moment of life and death for China.
❍ 现在,还是先说说~的紧急的事情。(杨沫《青春之歌》221) For the moment,let us talk of the most urgent matter.

迫在眉睫pò zài méi jié

睫:眼睫毛。比喻事情已到眼前,十分急迫,如同已经逼近了眉毛和睫毛一样。extremely urgent, imminent, share sb. in the face, hang over sb.’s head





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