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单词 weight
释义 weight /weit; wet/ n 1 [U] gravitational force with which a body tends towards the centre of the earth. 重力。 2 [U] how heavy a thing is; this expressed in some scale (eg tons, kilogrammes) as measured on a scale, weighing-machine, etc (0 App 5): (物体的) 重量; 分量 (如吨,公斤) (参看附录五): Are bananas sold by ~ or at so much a piece? 香蕉是论重量卖呢,还是论根卖? That man is twice my ~. 那个人的体重是我的两倍。 My ~ is 70 kilos. 我的体重是七十公斤。 The two boys are (of) the same ~. 那两个男孩体重相等。 He is your superior both in size and in 他的块头和体重都超过你。 under/over weighing too little/too much. 过轻 (过重); 不到 (超过) 分量。 pull one's ~, cpull2(2). put on ~, (of a person) become heavier. (指人) 体重增加; 长胖。 throw one's ~ about, (colloq) be domineering or conceited; try to bully people. (俗) 仗势欺人; 滥用权势。 3 a/the ~ (of), load to be supported: 负担; 重累; 重担: The pillars have a great ~ to bear/have to support the ~ of the roof. 这些柱子须承受重大的压力 (须承受屋顶的重量) 。 That's a great ~ off my mind. 那真释去了我心头的一大重负。 He has a great ~ of responsibility. 他肩负着重大的责任。 4 [U] (degree of) importance or influence: 重要; 势力; 影响力; 重要或影响力的程度: arguments of great ~; 有力的论据; considerations that had great ~ with me. 对我有重大影响的因素。 carry ~, be important or influential: 具重要性; 具影辔力: a man/an opinion that carries ~. 有影响力的人物 (意见) 。 5 [C] piece of metal of known ~ used in scales-for weighing things: 称钟; 隹码; 秤轮: an ounce/100 grammes/2 lb, etc ~; 一喃 (一百克,两磅等) 的磋码; heavy object for various purposes: 作各种用途的重物 a clock worked by ~s; 利用摆走动的钟; keep papers down with a ~ ('paper-~). 用文镇 (纸压) 把纸么住。 The doctor said he must not lift ~s. 医生说他切不可举重物。 '~lifting n gymnastic feat of lifting great ~s. 举重 (体操项目之一) 。 6 [U] system of units, scale or notation, for expressing 计重法; 衡制: troy/avoirdupois 金 (常) 衡。 W 1 [VP6A] put a ~ or ~s (5) on; add ~ to; make heavy: 放锤或底码于…之上; 加重; 使重: ~ a walking-stick with lead, eg to make it useful as a weapon. 加铅于手杖, 使之重量增加 (使用作武器等) 。 Circumstances are ~ed in his favour, (fig) give him an extra advantage. (喻) 情况对他充其有利。 2 ~ sb down, burden with: 使负童担: He was ~ed down with' packages. 他拿着函多南包裹。 3 [VP6A] treat (a fabric) with a minerat substance to make it seem stronger: 用矿物质处理 (织物) 使之显得更结实: ~ed silk. 以矿物质处理过的绸布。 ~Tess adj having no ~, eg because of absence of gravity, 无重量的; 失重的 (例如因为没有地心引力) 。 ~4essness n 无重量; 失重状态: become accustomed to ~lessness in a spacecraft. 习惯于太空船里的失重状态。 ~ Y (-ier,-iest) 1 of great ~; burdensome. 重的; 烦重的; 累人的。 2 influential; important: 有影响力而; 重要的: ~y considerations/ arguments. 重要的因素 (论据) 。 ~ily /-ill; -Mi/ adv ~iness n




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