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单词 违法乱纪

违法乱纪wéi fǎ luàn jì

breach of law and discipline; break (/infringe) the law and violate the discipline; in contravention of law and discipline
❍ 厂长赵立明也发了脾气,认为秦德贵不服从技术员和值班技师的指导,简直近于~。(艾芜《百炼成钢》16) Factory manager Zhao Liming also lost his temper,and thought Qin Degui’s disregard of directions given him by the technician and master-technician on duty amounted to an act of insubordination.
❍ 党的基层组织薄弱,现有八名党员,积极干工作的只有四人,其余四人思想觉悟很低,有的已经成了合作化道路上的绊脚石,个别党员还一贯地~。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》129) It had eight members,half of them active,the other half with a rather low level of political consciousness.Some of the latter lagged so far behind the situation that they had become stumbling-blocks to the co-operative movement,while a few used to violate discipline and break the law.


break the law; breach the laws (or rules and principles,disciplines); commit malfeasance; violation of the laws and regulations;contempt of the law
~分子 violators of the law and of discipline

违法乱纪wéi fǎ luàn jì

违反法律或法令,破坏纪律。violate the law and discipline, break laws and violate discipline, breach of law and discipline





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