释义 |
进行make;conduct;carry on;carry out;be in progress; be under way; go on; go ahead;proceed 会议在~中。The meeting is in progress./工程已在~中。The project is underway./对某人~工作work on sb;try to persuade or dissuade sb/正在~中的军备竞赛on-going arms race/~辩论carry on (or hold,enter into) a debate/~表决put a question to the vote/~抵抗put up a resistance/~调查make (or carry out)an investigation/~攻击attack;assault;accuse;charge;vilify/~攻讦rack up sb’s past and attack him;expose sb’s past misdeeds/~核试验conduct a nuclear test/~活动engage in activities/~坚决斗争wage (or carry out)a resolute struggle/~经济封锁impose or enforce an economic blockade/~了解get oneself acquainted with;try to understand/~侵略commit aggression/~投机倒把engage in speculation and profiteering/~研究(分析)make a study (an analysis)/~指责make (or level) charges against |