Ⅰ ❶ (通过;经过) cross;pass:~ 河 cross a river;~ 街时注意车辆。 When crossing the street,look out for cars. 他站到一边,让我们 ~ 去。 He stood aside for us to pass. 野营部队要从咱们村 ~。 The troops will be passing through our village on their camping trip.
❷ (度过) spend (time);pass (time):假期 ~ 得怎么样? How did you spend your holiday? 开学以来两个星期已经 ~ 去了。 Two weeks has passed since the new term began. 她离开了一段时间,在大连 ~ 夏天。 She has been away,spending the summer in Dalian. 我做梦也没想到我能 ~ 这样舒适幸福的晚年。 I never dreamt that I would spend my old age in such comfort and happiness.
❸ (过去) after;past:~ 了好几个星期,我们还没有得到他们的音信。 Several weeks passed and we still heard nothing from them. ~ 了夏至,天就开始变短。 The days get shorter after the Summer Solstice. 我 ~ 两天再来。 I'll come again in a couple of days. 要 ~ 3天才知道结果。 The result will come out three days later.
❹ (使经过某种处理) undergo a process;go through;go over:~ ~ 数儿 count (them);~ 了筛子又 ~ 罗 sifted again and again;carefully screened;
先 ~ 秤 weigh (it) first;
我们把这篇稿子再 ~ 一遍。 Let's go over the draft once again.
❺ (从甲方转移到乙方) shift;transfer:~ 户 transfer ownership;~ 入总帐 post up a ledger
❻ (超过) exceed;go beyond;surpass:精力 ~ 人 exceed others in energies;
年 ~ 60 over sixty (years old);
日产 ~ 万吨。 The output per day is over 10,000 tons. 小心别坐 ~ 了站。 Be sure you don't go past your station. 雪深 ~ 膝。 The snow is more than knee-deep.
❼ (用在动词后面,表示趋向) across;past;through;over:跳 ~ 篱笆墙 jump over a fence;
走 ~ 树林 walk past the wood;
汽艇穿 ~ 激流,绕 ~ 险滩。 The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs.
❽ (用在动词后面,跟“得”或“不”连用,表示胜过或通过):他这个人信得 ~。 He is a person one can trust. 我说不 ~ 她。 I can't outargue her. 我们之中没有谁能跑得 ~ 他。 None of us can run as fast as he can.
❾ (生活) live:那时候,我们总是 ~ 着朝不保夕的生活。 We always lived from hand to mouth in those days. 我妈妈跟我们 ~。 My mother lives with us.
❿ (庆祝) celebrate:~ 新年 celebrate the New Year;~ 生日 celebrate one's birthday;keep [observe] a birthday
⓫[书] (访;探望) visit Ⅱ (过分;太) too;excessively;unduly:~ 长 too [unduly] long;~ 早 too early;premature;
操之 ~ 急 act with undue haste;
雨水 ~ 多 excessive rainfall;too much rain Ⅲ (次;遍;回) time:米已经淘了3 ~ 儿了。 The rice has been washed for three times. 我又重新读了一 ~ 儿。 I have read it once more. Ⅳ [前缀] {化} {物} (分子结构中有-O-O-结构的) per-;super-;over-:~ 冷却 overcool;~ 氧化物 peroxide Ⅴ (过失) fault;mistake;demerit;error:勇于改 ~ be bold in correcting one's mistakes;
人皆有 ~。 Every man hath [has] his faults. 功大于 ~。 One's merits outweigh one's short-comings. 他已被记 ~ 3次。 He already has three demerits on his record.
另见 see also ɡuō;ɡuo。
◆过半数 more than half;majority;
过磅 weigh (on the scales);
过饱和 {物化} supersaturation;supersolubility;oversaturation;
过不去 cannot get through;be unable to get by;be impassable;find fault with;be hard on;make it difficult for;embarrass;
过长 {医} mecism;
过场 {剧} interlude;{剧} cross the stage;
过程 process;procedure;transversion;plication;course;
过秤 weigh (on the steelyard);take the weight of; 过稠 feeding-up; 过从 [书] have friendly intercourse;associate;
过错 fault;mistake;
过道 gangway;passageway;corridor;avenue;
过得去 be able to pass;can get through;passable;tolerable;so-so;not too bad;
过得硬 be able to stand all tests;have superb skill;have a good mastery of;become truly proficient (in sth.);
过低鼻型 hyperchamaerrhiny;
过低估计 underestimation;underestimate;
过低价格 underpraise;
过电流 overcurrent;excess current;
过电影 flash back past events;
过顶球 overhead shot;
过冬 pass the winter;winter;hibernate;
过冬准备 winterization;
过陡谷壁 oversteepened wall;
过度 excessive;over;undue;ana-;hyper-;过渡 transition;transit;
过渡过程 transient process;
过渡性贷款 stopgap loan;
过多 too much;too many;
过耳之言,不可听信 Words overheard are not to be trusted.;Hearsay is not reliable.;
过伐 {林} overcutting;overfell;
过访 [书] visit sb.;call on sb.;
过肥 {农} overfertilization;
过分 excessive;undue;bellyful;go too far;overdo;
过弗惮改 Don't be afraid of correcting what you have done wrong.;When you have faults,do not fear to correct them.;
过腐蚀 over etching;
过付 pay through an intermediary in a business deal;
过负荷 overload;
过负载 excess load;
过高 overtop;
过关 pass a barrier;go through an ordeal;pass a test;reach a standard;
过关斩将 overcome all the difficulties in the way;
过河拆桥 burn the bridge after crossing it;be ungrateful and leave one's benefactor in the lurch;cast sb. aside when he has served one's purpose;discard one's helpers after their help is made use of;kick down [away;over] the ladder;kick out sb. after his services are no longer needed;One is hardly safely across the stream when one breaks down the bridge — ungrateful.;remove the bridge after crossing the river — leave one in the lurch;remove the plank after crossing the bridge;
过河丢拐 throw over those who helped one;throw away the staff after passing the bridge — forget the benefactor;
过河航道 crossing;
过河弃舟 set adrift the boat once the river is crossed;
过河卒子 a soldier in the opponent's territory which can advance,but not retreat (in Chinese chess);
过后 afterwards;later;
过后方知 learned of ... only after the event;
过户 {律} transfer ownership;change the name of the owner in a register;transfer of names;
过话 [方] exchange words;talk with one another;send word;pass on a message;
过活 make a living;live;
过火 go too far;go to extremes;overdo;
过饥 polyorexia;
过继 adopt a young relative;have one's child adopted by a relative;
过江龙 {植} Entada phaseoloides;
过江之鲫 (numerous like) a school of silver carps moving down a stream;
过奖 [谦] overpraise;undeserved compliment;
过街老鼠 When a rat runs across the street everybody cries,“Kill it!” — a person hated by everyone.;
过街柳 fontanesia;
过街楼 bridge gallery;overhead room across a lane;
过街桥 overhead pedestrian crossing;overpass;
过节 festivities;celebrate festivities;celebrate a festival;after the festivities;
过节儿 grudge;
过紧日子 practise austerity;lead a thrifty life [an austere life];pass through a few lean years;belt tightening for a few years;
过近运输 unduly short haul traffic;
过境 transit;pass through the territory of a country;be in transit;
过境货明细单 through cargo manifest;
过境贸易 transit trade;
过境税 transit taxes [duties]; 过客 passing traveller;transient guest;
过来 can manage;
过来 come over;come up;
过来人 a person who has had the experience;an experienced hand;
过劳 overwork;
过老化 overaging;
过冷 {冶} supercooling;undercooling;subcooled;
过冷却 supercooling;undercooling;
过礼 present gifts to the bride's family before marriage;
过量 excessive;overdose;surfeit;excess;overmeasure;overage;bellyful;
过零 zero passage;
过硫酸 peroxosulfuric acid;
过路 pass by on one's way;
过路财神 the man through whose hands passing large sums of money;those who manage financial affairs;
过路黄 Lysimachia christinae;
过录 copy sth. from a notebook to another one;
过虑 be overanxious;worry overmuch;worry unnecessarily;
过滤 {工} filter;filtrate;screening;colation;filtration;filtering;lautering;colating;straining;filterion;
过满 abundance;
过门 move into one's husband's household upon marriage;
过门不入 pass one's own house but never entering it — be very busy with [devoted to] public duty;One did not even enter one's home when one happened to pass by on one's way.;so devoted to public service as to forget one's personal interests;
过门儿 {音} opening bars;short interlude between verses;
过门而入 drop in on sb.;
过敏 {医} irritability;allergy;acroaesthesia;acrosthesia;allergic;oversensitive;
过敏反应 {免疫} anaphylaxis;anaphylactic reaction;
过敏性 sensitivity;taraxy;anaphylactic;anaphylaxis;hypersusceptibility;protein sensifization;hypersensitivity;
过目 look over (papers,lists,etc.) so as to check or approve;
过目不忘 gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory;
过目成诵 not forget after having run the eye over...;can recite after taking a cursory glance;can recite a passage after one perusal;can remember whatever one sees;can remember what one has once read;can repeat after seeing once;(He) can repeat anything (he) has once read.;gifted with an extraordinarily retentive memory;He was so quick that he learnt the books by merely reading them once over.;One never forgot what one had once learned.;remember it like this after only one reading;
过年 celebrate the New Year;celebrate the Spring Festival;spend the New Year;spend the Spring Festival;
过年 [口] next year;
过期 exceed the time limit;be overdue;overdue;expire;
过期未付 overdue;
过谦 too modest;over modest;
过桥 {工} gap bridge;
过桥式车床 gap lathe;
过去 in [of] the past;formerly;previously;
过去了 [婉] pass away;die;
过去 go over;pass by;
过热 superheat;superheating;excessive heating;generation of excess heat;hot shot;overheat;
过人 surpass;excel;{体} beating;
过日子 live;get along;
过熔 superfusion;transfusion;
过山车 Roller Coaster;
过山炮 (山炮) mountain gun;mountain artillery;
过烧 {冶} burning;burnt overfiring;
过少 too little;
过甚 exaggerate;overstate;
过甚其词 stretch the truth;give an exaggerated account;grandiloquent words;overshoot oneself in one's speech;overstate the case;pull the long bow;stretch a point to say;overstate;talk [write] in superlatives;with a trowel;
过生长 outgrowth;
过剩 excess;surplus;redundancy;
过失 fault;slip;error;misconduct;culpa;mistake;blunder;{律} unpremeditated crime;offense;negligence;
过失犯罪 unpremeditated crime;
过失犯罪心理 mind of negligent crime;
过时 out-of-date;outmoded;obsolete;antiquated;out of fashion;
过时不候 not to wait for sb. if he comes late;no waiting after the set time;
过时检查 over time check;
过时效 overaging;
过食 overfeeding;
过手 take in and give out (money,etc.);receive and distribute;handle;
过熟儿 postmature infant;post-term infant;
过数 count;
过水桥 overflow bridge;
过酸 peracid;
过碎 overbreak;
过堂 [旧] appear in court to be tried;
过堂风 draught;
过庭之训 instructions from one's father;father's instructions;
过头 go beyond the limit;overdo;
过屠门而大嚼 pass the butcher's and start munching — feed oneself on illusions;
过往 come and go;have friendly intercourse with;associate with;
过往甚密 be in with sb.;as thick as thieves;
过望 beyond one's expectations;
过为已甚 overdo a thing;overstep the limits;
过问 concern oneself with ;take an interest in;bother about;
过五关斩六将 force five passes and slay six captains — win glory in battle;overcome all the difficulties in the way;surmount numerous difficulties;to experience many hardships;
过午 afternoon;
过细 meticulous;careful;
过压 overvoltage;overtension;overpressure;
过压保护 overvoltage protection;
过盐 supersalt;
过眼 look over;
过眼烟云 like floating smoke and passing clouds;a passing scene;as transient as a fleeting cloud;Out of sight is out of mind.;pass from one's view;;过氧化合物 peralcohol;
过夜 pass the night;put up for the night;stay overnight;
过一天,算一天 muddle along with no thought of tomorrow;drift through life;while away the days;
过意不去 feel apologetic;feel sorry;
过瘾 satisfy a craving;enjoy oneself to the full;do sth. to one's heart's content;
过硬 have a perfect mastery of sth.;be really up to the mark;be able to pass the stiffest test;
过犹不及 Going beyond the limit is as bad as falling short.;To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.;Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.;Too much is as bad as too little.;Excess is just as bad as deficiency.;To overreach the mark is just as bad as not reaching it.;Too much water drowned the miller.;
过于 too;unduly;excessively;
过誉 [谦] overpraise;
过远运输 unduly long haul traffic;
过云雨 shower;
过载 overload;overriding;surcharge;overburden;overloading;overstress;overexcitation;blasting;overlade;transship;
过早 premature;untimely;
过早成熟植物 precocious plants;
过早乐观 count one's chickens before they are hatched;
过则勿惮改 If you have faults do not fear to abandon them.;If he has faults,let him not object to changing.;
过帐 transfer items (as from a daybook to a ledger);posting of account;carry to;post;
过重 excess weight;excessive weight;overcharge;overweight
❶ (用在动词后,表示完毕):钱已经付 ~ 了。 The bill has been paid. 桃花都已经开 ~ 了。 The peach blossomes are over. 我给你这样讲 ~,是吧? I told you so,didn't I?
❷ (用在动词后,表示行为曾经发生,但并未继续到现在):你去 ~ 北京吗? Have you ever been to Beijing? 在那黑暗的年月,他们受 ~ 许多屈辱。 They suffered many humiliations in those dark days.
另见 see also ɡuō;ɡuò。