释义 |
wanderingp. a. 1.roaming,rambling,i.e. not fixed,like the stars遨游的,漫游的,(又指像星辰那样)游动的。 △2H.VI.4.4.15:“Hath this lovely face/ Ruled,like a wandering plan-et,over me,” (According to medieval astrology. thestar in the ascendant controlled the fortunes of thoseborn under it.)这张可爱的面孔曾经像一颗在天上遨游的星辰一样支配过我的一切。 2. going astray,deviating,errant,mistaken迷路的,偏离正路的,走入歧途的,犯错误的。 △1H.VI.3.3.76:“Come. come. return: return. thou wandering lord!”来,来,回来吧;回来吧,你这位迷路的贵族大人! Phrases: wandering knight: knight-errant游侠骑士。 △Mid.1.2.48(45):“What is Thisby? a wandering knight?”提斯璧是什么人? 一位游侠骑士吗? wandering stars: planets 行星。 △Ham.5.1. 277(255):“whose phrase of sorrow/Conjures the wan-dering stars,”他那伤心的言辞可以镇住天上的行星。 |