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单词 迂回曲折

迂回曲折yū huí qū zhé

circuitous; devious; full of twists and turns in a roundabout way; tortuous;zigzags
❍ 打破“围剿”过程往往是~的,不是径情直遂的。(《毛泽东选集》181) The process of breaking an“encirclement and suppression”campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish.
❍ 要在情况复杂和变化剧烈的环境下,在需要走~道路的时候,都能够确定对无产阶级革命事业最有利的方针政策,都能够代表无产阶级革命斗争的整体利益和长远利益,…… (刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》22)…or formulate the policieswhich are most advantageous to the cause of the proletarian revolution or champion the overall,long-term interests of the proletarian revolutionary struggle amid complex situations and sharp changes,when it is necessary for us to make detours and turns.

迂回曲折yū huí qū zhé

弯弯曲曲,绕来绕去。形容事物的发展曲折多变。twists and turns, tortuous, in a roundabout way, with ups and downs, ins and outs





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