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Ⅰ ❶ [书] (君主) monarch;sovereign;ruler: 复 ~ restore a monarchy;restoration
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子方 Bi Zifang Ⅱ [书] ❶ (排除) fight off;ward off;avoid;keep away
❷ 同“避”[bì] same as “避” [bì]
❸ (帝王召见并授与官职) call to office
另见 see also pī;pì 。
◆辟邪 exorcise evil spirits;counteract evil force;
辟邪归正 repudiate heresy and restore orthodox religion;
辟邪去恶 ward off [guard against] an evil influence;
辟召贤能 summon worthies and talents to court


❶ (开辟) open up (territory, land, etc.); break (ground): 另 ~ 专栏 start a new column (in a newspaper, etc.); 开 ~ 果园 lay out an orchard; 新 ~ 一条穿过乡村的公路 open a new road through the country
❷ (驳斥; 排除) refute; repudiate: ~ 邪说 refute heresy Ⅱ (透彻) penetrating; incisive: 精 ~ profound; incisive; 透 ~ 的分析 penetrating analysis; 对某事物有透 ~ 的了解 have a thorough understanding of sth. Ⅲ [书] (法律; 法) law: 大 ~ capital punishment (in feudal times)
另见 see also bì; pī。
◆辟谣 refute a rumour; refute slanders; deny a rumour





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