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单词 question


△Mid2.1.235: “I will not stay thy questions.” i.e.I willnot delay to listen to your talk. 我不想听你再唠叨下去。
△Mer.4.1.347 (346):“I'll stay no longer question.”i.e.I'll wait for no more discussion. 我不再在这里多费口舌了。
△As.3.4.36(35):“I met the Duke yesterday,and had much question with him.”昨天我碰见公爵,跟他谈了好一阵子。
△As.5.4.168(161):“After some ques-tion with him,”跟他略一交谈之后。
△Oth.1.3.113:“Orcame it by request and such fair question / As soul tosoul affordeth?”或者是用请求和心心相印的密谈得到的?
longer question: further conversation 进一步谈话。
△2H.IV.1.1.48:“Staying no longer question.”i.e.waiting for no further conversation.不再等着跟我谈话。
2. discussion,argument,issue讨论,争论,争端。
△Lr.1.3. 14 (13):“I’d have it come to question.”我正好对此理论一番。
△Lr.5.3.33 (32):“Thy great employment/ Will not bear question;”你的这项重大任务是不容讨论的。
△H.V.1.1.5:“farther question.”进一步讨论。hot in question: being hotly discussed,under urgentdiscussion正在热烈讨论之中,正在紧急讨论之中。
△1H.IV.1.1.34:“My liege,this haste was hot in question.”主上,这桩急事正在热烈讨论之中。
3. consideration考虑。
in question: under consideration在考虑中。
△H.V.2.4.17: “Though war nor no known quarrel were in question,”尽管没有战争,也没有什么值得考虑的公开争执。
4. debate,dispute,controversy; speech争论,争吵,论战;(另解)言语。
△Ham.2.2.362 (339): “but there is,sir,an aery of children,little eyases,that cry out onthe top of question,” i.e.❶whose shrill voices areheard above all others in the controversy;
❷who cryout at the top of their voices.但是,殿下,现在有一窠雏鹰般的小娃子,他们在台上的尖声锐叫压倒了争论中别人的声音(又译:他们的尖声怪叫压倒了别人)。
5. remark,speech谈话,言语。
△Ham.3.1.13: “Niggard of question,” 说话很吝啬。
△Lr.4.3.26 (24):“Made she no verbal question?” i.e. Did she not speak?她没有谈话吗?
6. doubt,misgiving怀疑,疑虑。
△1H.IV.4.1.68:“And breed a kind of question in our cause.”对于我们的事业产生某种怀疑。
△ H.VIII.2.4. 147 (150): “or /Laid any scruple in your way which might / Induceyou to the question on’t?”或者引起你的任何怀疑,以致诱使你对此发生疑问?
7. enquiry,examination,trial,summons查问,审查,审问,传唤。
△Ado.5.4.6:“In the true course of all the question.”在整个的严格审问过程中表明。
△ Lr.5.3.59(58): “The question of Cordelia and her father / Reuires a fitter place.”对于考狄利娅和她的父亲的审判必须找一个更适当的地方。
in question: under enquiry or examination or summons在查问中,在审查中,在传唤中。
△ 2H.IV.1.2.67(60):“He that was in question for the robbery?”就是那个为了抢劫案还在查问的那个人吗?
8. case at issue (待裁决的)案件。
△ H.VIII.5.1.130(129):“and not ever / The justice and the truth o’(=of) the question carries / The due o’ the verdict with it.”案子本身的正当理由和真情实况并不一定总会带来公正的裁决。
9. trial by arms,fight武装较量,战斗。
△Oth.1.3.23:“So may he with more facile question bear it,”而且还可以用更不费力的战斗来夺取它。
10. topic,subject,matter,point话题,主题,内容,要点。
△Ham.2.2.380 (355):“unless the poet and the player went to cuffs in the question.” i.e. as part of the script. 除非在剧本内容里有编剧家和演员大闹的场面。
△Ham.3.2.47 (42):“though in the mean time some necessary question of the play be then to be considered.”虽然那时候戏里正有些紧要内容需要注意。
11. matter,affair事情,事件。
△Ham.5.2.389 (375):“this bloody question,”i.e. this bloody affair.这一场流血事件。
△Lr.2.1.19(17): “And I have one thing, of a queasy question,”i.e. of a difficult nature;needing delicate handling.我有一件事,很棘手。
12. cause原因。
△Ham.1.1.111:“That was and is thequestion of these wars.”他正是前后这几次战争的起因。
△Ado.3.3.190 (179):“A commodity in question,”一批可疑的货物(双关:要受审查)。


1. ask问。
△Oth.1.3.129.“Still questioned me thestory of my life”.不断问我生平的事迹。
2. put questions to,prattle to向…提出问题,向…喋喋不休。
△1H.IV.1.3.46: “With many holiday and ladyterms / He questioned me,”他用许多雅致的、带女人气的词句向我说这说那。
3. speak to,talk with,converse with对…说话,与…交谈。
△Mac.1.3.42: “Live you? or are you aught /That man may question?” i.e. Are you anything aman can talk to?你们是活人吗? 你们可是能与人交谈的东西?
4. dispute,doubt of对…提出质疑,怀疑。
△H.VIII.1.2.98: “To every county / Where this is questioned sendour letters,”凡对这事提出质疑的各郡,赶快把我的文告送去。
△H.VIII.2.4.48 (50): “It is not to be questioned /That they had gathered a wise council to them / Ofevery realm,that did debate this business,”毫无疑问,他们曾经从各国邀请贤明人士在一起商议,专门讨论过这件事。
5. investigate. examine调查,检查。
△Mac.2.3.135(128): “And question this most bloody piece ofwork,/ To know it further.”查究这一桩最残酷的血案,以便明了真相。
6. discuss,reason 讨论,推论。
△ H.VIII.1.1.129:“Stay,my lord,/ And let your reason with your chol-er question /What ’tis you go about.”且慢,大人,让你的理智跟你的怒气讨论一下你正要去做的究竟是怎么一回事。
~ vi.
1. ask a question,inquire提问题,询问。
△Rom.5.3.158:“Stay not to question,for the watch is coming.”不要耽误时间盘问我,因为巡夜的人就要来了。
2. argue,debate,dispute争辩,辩论,争论。
△ Mer.4.1.70: “you question with the Jew.”你在跟一个犹太人讲理。
△Wiv.3.1.78 (76): “Disarm them,and let themquestion.”把他们的武器夺下来,让他们对吵。
△1H.VI.2.1.72: “Question,my lords,no further of the case,/How or which way.”各位大人,不必再争论怎么攻来或是从哪里攻来这件事了。





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