释义 |
辗转反侧zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cètoss about (in bed);toss and turn (restlessly) ❍ 监狱里规定: 囚室里晚上不准点灯,不得起坐行走,难友们在土炕上~,终夜不得入睡。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》60) As it was against the prison regulations to have lights on,to sit up or move about in the cells during the night,the prisoners would lie itching or tossing about in pain on their brickbeds without getting a wink of sleep all night. ❍ 秦发愤脸上盖着铝盔,~地睡不着。(张天民《创业》57)Qin Fafen,his face covered with a helmet,tosses and turns,unable to go to sleep. ❍ 求之不得,寤寐思服;悠哉悠哉,~。(《诗经·周南·关雎》) He sought her and found her not,|And waking and sleeping he thought about her. |Long he thought;oh long and anxiously;|On his side,on his back,he turned,and back again. 辗转反侧zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè辗转:翻来覆去。反侧:反复。形容心里有事,翻来覆去,睡不着。toss and turn restlessly, toss about (in bed), have a sleepless night |