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单词 国防


national defence


national defense
~费national defense expenditure/~工业defense(-related) industries/~建设the building up of national defense/~教育education on the importance of national defense/~军national defense force/~科技defense-related science and technology/~科学national defense science/~科研defense-related scientific research/~力量defense capability /~生产defense production /~实力national defense capabilities/~委员会National Defense Council/~线national defense line/~意识awareness of the importance of national defense /~支出defense spending;expenditure on national defense/~动员体制national defense mobilization system
防御性的国防政策national defense policy defensive in nature (or of the defensive nature)
积极防御的军事战略military strategy of active defense
新军事变革 revolution in military affairs(RMA)
加速推进中国特色军事变革speed up the RMA with Chinese characteristics
走复合式、跨越式发展道路take the road of composite and leapfrog development
实施科技强军build a strong military by means of science and technology
实现由数量规模型向质量效能型、由人力密集型向科技密集型转变build qualitative efficiency instead of a mere quantitative scale,and transform the military from a manpower-intensive one to a technologyintensive one
实现武器装备生产能力由刚性结构向柔性结构转变convert the weapon and equipment production capability from a rigid structure to a flexible one
精兵、合成、高效的原则principle of making the troops smaller and better,as well as more integrated and efficient
建立和完善规模适度、结构合理、机构精简、指挥灵便的军队体制编制build and further improve the military structure and organization to make them appropriate in size,optimal in structure,streamlined in institutional setup and flexible and swift in command
空军逐步实现由国土防空型向攻防兼备型转变the Air Force gradually shifts from one of territorial air defense to one of both offensive and defensive operations
一体化联合作战integrated and joint operations
一体化的指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视和侦察网络command,control,communications,computers,intelligences,surveillance,and reconnaissance(C4ISR)network
快速主宰rapid dominance
夺取制海权、制空权win both command of the sea and command of the air
掌握远洋作战能力gain familiarity with open-ocean operations
积极的近海防御active offshore defense
执行反介入/海区封锁任务 for anti-access/sea-denial missions
“三打、三防”“three attacks,three defenses”(attack stealth aircraft,cruise missiles and helicopters;defend against precision strikes,electronic warfare and enemy reconnaissance)
联勤保障体系system of joint logistics support
开展基地化、模拟化、网络化训练conduct on-base training,simulated training and online training
开展前沿技术探索和前瞻性研究conduct explorations of frontier technology and future-oriented research
非对称、非接触、非线性和“跃进式”的科技(作战)asymmetrical,non-contiguous (or non-contact),non-linear and “leap ahead”technoligies(operations)





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