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单词 make
释义 make1 /meik; mek/ vt, vi (pt, pp made) /meid; med/ (For uses with nn, c25,26 below; for uses with adj, c27 below; for uses with adverbial particles and preps, c30 below.) (与名词连用,参看下列 25, 26 义; 与形容词连用,参看 27 义; 与副词接语及介词连用,参看 30 义。) 1 [VP6A, 14, 12B, 13B] ~ sth from/(out) of sth; ~ sth into sth, construct or produce by combining parts or putting materials together; form or shape from material; bring into existence (esp by effort): 建造; 制造; 产生(尤指费力而做成): ~ bricks; 造碑; ~ bread; 制面包; ~ a coat; 做一件外衣; ~ ( =manufacture) paper. 造纸。 She made (= prepared) coffee for all of us. 她为我们大家煮咖啡。 I made myself a cup of tea. 我为自己泡一杯茶。 Cloth is made of cotton, wool, silk and other materials. 布是棉、毛、 丝和其他原料制成的。 Wine is made from grapes. 葡菊酒是葡莓酿成的。 We ~ bottles (out) of glass. 我们用玻璃制造瓶子。 Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃可以制成瓶子。 God made man. 上帝创造了人。 show sb/let sb see what one is made of, show sb one's qualities, powers, abilities, etc. 让人知道自己的品格、力量、能力等。 be as clever etc as they ~ 'em, be very clever etc. 非常精明等。 come(10). 2 [VP6A] cause to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material: 借打破、撕破、移去而形成: ~ a hole in the ground/a gap in a hedge. 在地上挖一个洞(在树篱上弄一缺口)。 ~ s hole/dent in one's savings/reserves/finances etc, reduce them by a considerable amount. 用去大笔储蓄(准备金,资金等)。 3 [VP6A, 16A] enact; establish: 制定; 规定: The regulations were made to protect children. 这些规则系为保护儿童而制定的。 Who made this ridiculous rule? 这个荒谬的规则是谁定的? 4 [VP6A] draft; draw up: 草拟; 危草: Father is making a fresh will. 父亲正画新立遗嘱。 A treaty has been made with our former enemies. 与我们遍去的敌人间的一项条约业经拟定。 I II get my solicitor 2 ~ a deed of transfer. 我要找我的律师拟一让渡书。 5 [VP6A] eat, have (a meal): 吃; 进(餐): We made a good breakfast before leaving. 我们在离开前吃了一顿丰富的早金。 He made a hasty lunch. 他匆匆吃了午饭。 6 [VP6A, 13B] cause to be: 引起: Why ~ a disturbance at this time of night? 値此深夜为何如此騒扰? I don't want to ~ any trouble for you. 我不想为你惹麻烦。 7 [VP16A] (passive only) be meant or intended: (仅作被动语施)预定; 指定: John and Mary seem to have been made for each other, eg because they get on so well together. 约翰和玛莉似乎是天生的一对。 In England we think bacon and eggs were made to be eaten together. 在英国我们认为滩肉和鸡蛋是配在一起食用的。 8 [VP22, 24A] cause to be or become: 使; 使成为: The news made her happy. 这消息使她高兴。 He made his meaning clear. 他把他的意思说得很明白。 He made clear his objections/made it clear that he objected to the proposal. 他明白表示他的异议(反对此项提议)。 His actions made him universally respected. 他的行为使他到处受尊敬。 He soon made himself understood. 他立刻把他的意思说明白。 Can you easily ~ yourself understood in English? 你能用英语轻易地表明你的意思吗? The full story was never made known/public. 全部情节从未公开过。 He couldn't ~ himself/his voice heard above the noise of the traffic. 在交通的喧蹬中他无法使他的声音让别人听到。 ~ oneself useful (about the house etc), do sth to help: 做有用的事: Don't stand about doing nothing→yourself useful! 不要闲站在这里 —— 做点有用的事! ~ it worth sbs while (to do sth), pay or reward him: 使某人値得(做某事); 酬谢某人: If you'll help me with this job, I'll ~ it worth your while. 而果你愿意帮我做这件工作, 我会酬谢你。 ~ sth good. good'(20). 9 [VP6A] earn; win; gain; acquire: 赚瀛; 得; 获: ~ £5000 a year; 一年赚五千镑; ~ a profit/loss of £100. 获利(损失) 一百镑。 He first made his name/reputation as a junior Minister. 他以次长之职崭露聂角。 He made a name/ reputation for himself at the Bar, ie as a barrister, 做为律筛他高得了好名誉。 He soon made a fortune on the Stock Exchange. 他不久便买卖股票发了财。 ~s pile/packet, (colloq) acquire a great deal of money. (U)赚许多钱; 发财。 ~ one's living (as/ at/by/from), have as one's work or livelihood: 诬生; (以做…)为生: He ~s his living by giving piano lessons. 也以敎授钢琴为生。 Can you ~ a living from freelance journalism? 你能靠在报上自由写稿込生吗? Does he ~ a living at it? 他以低为生吗? 10 [VP2A, 6A] (various uses in card games, eg bridge) (在桥牌等纸牌戏中的各种用法) a win (a trick); play to advantage: 赢(一磴牌); 打出能赢的(一张牌): He made His Queen of Hearts. 他打出红心女王。 b (of a card) win a trick: (指纸牌)嬴一磴: Your ace and king won't make until you've drawn trumps. 非等到你把王牌吊光,你的么点和老 K 赢不到牌。 c win (what one has set out to win): 赢得(所叫的分数或磴数); 做成: Little slam bid and made. 叫小满贯而做成了。 d shuffle, mix (the cards): 洗(牌): Will you ~ the pack? 请你洗牌好吗? My turn to 轮到我洗牌(该我洗牌)了。 11 [VP6A] score (at cricket): (板球戏中)得分: ~ a century in a test match. 在决赛市毎一百务。 50 runs were made in the first hour. 为一小时得五十分。 12 [VP2A] (of the tide) begin to flow or ebb: (指潮)开始涨或退: The tide is making fast. 潮水正在很快地涨。 The ebb was now making. The ebb tide was flowing. 正在退潮。 13 ~ or break/ mar, either be successful or be ruined. 不是成功就是失败; 孤注一郷。 made man, one whose success has been assured: 确定会成功的大: Get the Minister's help and you'll be a made man. 去找部长帮忙,你一定会成功。 14 [VP18B] compel; force; persuade; cause (sb) to do sth; cause (sth) to happen: 迫; 强使; 说服; 使(某人)做某事; 使(某事)发生: They made me repeat/I was made to repeat the story. 他们要我重金那个故事。 Can you ~ this old engine start? 你能发动这个旧引擎畴? The children never behave well and no one ever tries to ~ them (= ~ them behave well). 那些小孩子从不守规矩,也从没有人要他们守规矩。 What ~s the grass grow? 什雇东西使得靑章生长? I can't ~ anyone hear, eg by ringing the doorbell, knocking, calling. 我没法子使任何人听得见(如按门铃、敲门、叫喊)。 His jokes made us all laugh. 他的弃话使我们羸笑起来。 | ~ one's 'blood boil; ~ one's 'hackles rise, anger one. 使人大怒。, — one's 'hair stand on end, shock or frighten one: 使人毛发竦然: His ghost stories made our hair stand on end. 他的鬼故事令我们毛发竦然。 ~ (sth) do; ~ do with sth, manage with it although it may not be really adequate or satisfactory 用某种东西勉强应付; 将就着用; 凑合著用 You'll have to ~ do with cold meat for dinner. 晚餐你只好将就一下吃冷肉了。 There's not much of it but I'll try to ~ ' (it) do. 东西不多, 但我会将就着亩。 ~ do and mend, manage without buying new articles, eg clothing, bed linen, household articles, esp by repairing and remaking old ones. (如衣服、床单、家具等)修补好凑合使用。 ~ sth go round, make it last or be enough: 使某物能维持或足够分配: I don't know how she ~s the money go round. 我不知道她如何能靠这笔钱维持。 ~ believe (that.../to be...), pretend: 假装; 假扮 .Let's ~ believe that we're Red Indians. 我们素区扮红番。 The children made believe that they were/made believe to be shipwrecked on a desert island. 孩子们假装他们在荒岛上遭遇船难。 Hence, 由此产生, believe n [U] pretending; [C] pretence. 假装; 托辞; 口实。 15 [VP22, 18B, 23] represent as; cause to appear as; allege (to be, to do): 表现; 使显现为; 主张; 断定: → /Eer, in the film, ~s Hamlet a figure of tragic indecision. 在该影片中, 奥立佛把哈姆雷特演成了优柔寡断的悲剧人物。 Most of the old Chronicles ~ the king die in 1026, give 1026 as the date of his death. 古史多半认为那个国王死于 1026 年。 In the play the author ~s the villain commit suicide, describe him as doing this. 在这部戏里,作 ' 者让歹症自杀了。 You've made my nose too big, eg in a drawing or painting, 你把我的鼻子昼得太大了。 16 [VP6A, 25] estimate or reckon (to be); put (a total, etc) at: 估计; 推断; 算定: What time do you ~ it? 你认为现在几点钟了? What do you ~ the time? 你认为现在几点钟? How large do you ~ the audience? 你估计观众(听众) 有多少? I ~ the total (to be) about £50. 我算总数约为五十镑。 I ~ the distance about 70 miles. 我估计那段距雌大约有七十哩。 17 [VP6A] come to, equal; add up to; constitute; amount to (in significance): 总计; 合计; 等于; 浦成: Twenty shillings used to ~ one pound. 二十羌令在过去等于一乳 Twelve inches ~ one foot. 十二吋等于一呎。 5 and 7 is 12, and 3 is 15, and 4 more ~s 19. 五加七等于十二,再加三等于十五,再加四等于十九。 How many members ~ a quorum? 多歩人才构成法定人数? His adventures ~ excellent reading. 他的冒险故事是非常好的读物。 The play ~s an excellent evening's entertainment. 那剧是一极好的晚间娯乐。 ~ (good/not much) sense, seem to have (plenty of /little) sense: 有悬义(很有意义; 没有什么意义 ) His arguments have never made much sense. 他的论据从来没有什么意义。 One swallow doesn't ~ a summer, → swallow1. 18 [VP6A] be (in a series); count as: 为…之一分子; 算为: This ~ mhe fifth time you've failed this examination. 这次是你第五度参加这项考试失败。 Will you ~ a fourth at bridge? 我们打桥牌还缺一个人,你要不要参加?(你要不要做第四个打牌的人?) 19 [VP6A, 23] turn into; turn out to be; prove to be: 变为; 结果为; 证明为: If you train hard, you will ~ a good footballer. 假若你加紧锻炼, 你会成为一个好的足球员。 He will ~ an excellent husband. 他会成为一个非常好的丈夫。 She will ~ him a good wife, will be one. -tz 将成为他的好妻子。 This lengih of cloth will ~ me a suit, can be made up into one, 这块布料够我做一套衣服。 20 [VP6A] (colloq uses) travel over (a distance); reach, maintain (a speed); be in time to catch or reach; (US) gain the rank or place of: (俗语用法)旅行(某一路程); 达到或维持(某一速度); 赶上(火车等):到达(某地); (美)获…之阶级或地位: We've made 80 miles since noon. 从中午以来我们赶了八十哩的路; We've made good time, travelled the distance in good time, ie fast. 我们这一段路走得够快 To The ship was making only nine knots. 这雇船仅以每小时九浬的速度航行。 The disabled cruiser was only just able ~ (= reach) port. 那艘损坏的巡洋食只能够到达港口。 The train leaves at 7. 13; can we ~ 'it, reach the station in time? 火车在七葛十三分开, 我们能赶得上嘴? He's tired out already—he'll never ~ the summit. 他已经疲倦了,他绝到不了山顶。 His new novel has made the best-seller list, has sold enough copies to be on this list. 他的新小说被列为畅销书之一。 He ll never ~ (=win a place on) the team. 他永远没有加入那个队的机会。 Jones made (= reached the rank of) sergeant in six months. 琼斯经六个月后当了士官。 21 [VP23] elect; appoint; nominate; raise to the dignity of: 选举; 被任命; 派定; 获高位显爵: ~ sb King/an earl/a peer. 某人为王(封某人为伯爵; 封某人为贵族 )0Newton was made President of the Royal Society. 牛顿被选为皇家学会会长。 He was made General Manager by the directors. 他被董事们推选为总经理。 We ~ you our spokesman. 我们指定你做我们的发言人。 He made her his wife, married her, 他娶她为妻。 22 [VP12A, 13A] offer, propose, hold out (to sb): 提供; 提出; 出价: Af ~ me an offer, suggest a price! 请开价! 所。 made them two or three attractive proposals. 我们向他们提供两三个动人的建议。 The Chairman of British Rail has made a new offer to the men, eg of a rise in wages during a strike. 英国铁路局主席向工人提出新的建议 (例如在罢工时提出增加工资) 。 I made him a bid for the antique table. 我向他出价购买那张古老的桌子。 I made her a present of the vase. 我给她一个花瓶作礼物。 23 ~ sth of sb/sth; ~ sth/sb sth, cause sb/sth to be ar become sth: 使某人(某物)成为: His parents want to ~ a doctor of him, want him to be educated for the medical profession. 他的父母要他将来做医生。 We must ~ an example of him, eg by punishing him as a warning to others. 我们必须惩罚他以儆他人。 Don't ~ a habit of it/Don't it a habit, Don't let it become a habit. 不要使它成为习惯。 Don't ~ a hash/mess/muddle of it, Don't do the job badly. 不要把事浦弄糟了。 He has made a business of politics, has made politics his chief concern. 他已经把政治作为他的事业。 Don't ~ an ass/fool of yourself, behave foolishly. 不要像里子那样笨(不要做傻瓜)。 Don't ~ a practice of cheating at exams. 不要养成考试作弊的习惯。 Don't ~ cheating a practice. 不要养成欺骗的习惯。 n entries esp in 25 and 26 below for other examples of this pattern. 参看下列第 25 和 26 义中其他使用此一句型的统句。 24 [VP2C] behave as if about to do sth: 攻出…的举动; 好像要: He made as if to strike me. 他做出要打我的样子。 He made to reply (= seemed to be about to do so) and then became silent. 他好像要回答,然后又停住了。 25 [VP6A, 14] (used with many n where ~ + ” have the same meaning as a v related in form to the n). (与许多名词连用,其意义和该名词的相关动词的含义相同)。 ~ allowance(s) (for), callowance(3). ~ (an) application (to sb) (for sth), apply (to sb) (for sth). (向某人)申请。 ~ arrangements for. arrange for. 安机。 ~ a decision, decide. 决定。 ~ a guess (at), guess (at). 推测。 ~ an impression (on), impress. 予以印象。 ~ a request (to sb) (for sth), request (sth) (from sb). (向某人) 要亲。 ~ a success of sth, succeed with it/in doing it. 把…做得很成功。 (For other phrases of this kind, the n entries.) (其他此类片语参看各片语的名词。) 26 [VP6A, 14] (used with a large number of n in special senses; cf do2 (2) for n used with do; the examples below are a selection only ; 玲 the n entries): (M许多名词连用形成特殊含义的片语; 参较 do1 第 2 义中与 do 连用之名词; 以下各例仅为选出的一部分; 参看各片语中的名词): ~ much ado (about); 大忙一阵; 费尽力气; ~ advances (to); (向…)表示板:好; (向…)献憨勲; ~ amends (to sb/for sM); (为某备)赔偿(某人); ~ an appointment; 约会; ~ an attempt; 尝试; 试图; ~ the bed(s); 铺床; ~ a bee-line (for); 取捷径前往; 迅速前往; ~ the best of; 尽量利用; ~。 bid (for); 企图获得; ~ no bones about; 毫不犹豫; ~ a break for it; 逃脱; 逃跑; ~ a clean breast of; 坦白供认; ~ capital (out) of sth; 利用; ~ a change; 改变; ~ one's day ; 使某人非常快乐地过一天; ~ a deal (with sb); 某人)做买卖; (与某人)妥协; ~ demands (of/on); 要求; ~ some/ little difference; 甚为重要(不大重要); ~ an effort; 努力; 尽力; ~ an excuse; 找乔口“ ~ eyes at; 对 … 眉目传情; ~ a face/faces (at); (向…)扮鬼脸; ~ fun of; 嘲弄; 取笑; ~ a fuss (”) ; 小题大作; 大惊小怪; ~ game ”, 嘲弄; 取笑; ~。 gesture; 作手势; 表示; ~ 0 go sth; 使某事成功; ~ hay of; 使混乱; ~ head or tail of; 明白; 了解; ~ a hit (with); 给予…良好印象; ~ inroads into; 侵犯; 袭击; ~ a good/poor job of; 把(某事)做好 (弄糟); ~ a man。/; 使有男子气; 使成男子汉; ~ one's mark; 成名; ~ mincemeat 。人彻底击败(某人); 完全驳倒(某论点); ~ mischief; 搬弄是非; ~ a mockery of; 嘲弄; 愚弄; ~ money; 赚钱; ~ the most of; 充分利用; ~ a mountain out of a mde-hill; 小题大做; ~ much of; 了解; 重视; 夸张; ~ a name for oneself; 成名; ~ a night of it; 痛痛快快地玩一个晚上; ~ nonsense of; 破坏; 使无效; ~ a pass at; 向… MRM:~ one's peace (yvith); (与…)和解; ~ a point (of); 坚持; 决心; ~ room (for); 腾出空间; ~ a secret of; 隐瞒; ~ shift with; 蛊量设法; ~ a song and dance about:大惊小怪; 小题大做; ~ war (on); (向…)开战; ~ water; 小便; (指船)漏水; ~ one's way in the world; 有成就; 发迹; ~ heavy weather of; 发现某事颇为棘手; ~ the worst o/ 对…做最坏的打算。 27 [VP2D] (used with adj in special senses; the adj entries): (与形容词连用的特殊用法; 参看各片语中之形容词): ~ so bold (as to); 不揣冒昧; ~ certain (of/that); 弄淸楚; 弄确实; ~ sth fast; 系牢; ~ free 讯两, 随意使用; 擅用; ~ sth good; 补偿; 赔偿; 实现; 证实; 修复; ~ light of; 轻视; ~ merry; 作乐; 行乐; ~ sure. 确信; 査明。 28 [VP2C, 3A] (of arguments, evidence, etc) point; tend: (指辩论、证据等)指向; 趋于: All the evidence ~s (points is more usu) in the same direction. 所有的证据都指向同一方向 (point 一字较常用)。 ~ against, (rare) be contrary, unfavourable, prejudicial or harmful to: (罕)与…相反; 不利于; 有害于; 有损于: These dissipations ~ against your chance of success. 这些不正当的消遣有损你成功的机会。 29 (compounds) (复合字) '~believe n c14 above. 参看上列第 14 义。 '~shift n sth used for a time until sth better is obtainable: 暂时的代用品: use an empty crate as a ~ shift for a table/ as a ~ shift fable. 用一个空箱子做桌子的代用品(代替桌子 )o'~-up n g ~ up in 30 below) (参看下列第 30 义之 ~ up) a arrangement of type, etc on a printed page. (印刷品之字图等的)编排; 版面。 b character, temperament: 性格; 气质: people of that ~-up. 那种性格的人。 c [C, U] cosmetics, etc as used by actors; result of using these: 化妆品(如演员所用者); 使用化妆品的效果: What a clever ~-up! 多妙的化装! d [U] cosmetics as used on the face: 面部用亩化妆品: use too much ~-up/the wrong kind of ~-up. 使用太多(不当的) 化妆品。 ' ~- weight n small quantity added to get the weight required; (fig) sth or sb of small value that fills a gap. supplies a deficiency. 补足重量的小量东西; (喻)填补欠缺的不重要的人或物。 30 [VP2C, 14, 15B, 3A] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的用法): make after sb, (formal) pursue; chase: (正式用语)追求; 追赶 She made after him like a mad woman. 届像个疯女人似地追赶他。 make at sb, move aggressively towards: 袭击; 攻击: The angry woman made at me with her umbrella. 那个愤怒的女人用雨伞袭击我。点 come at at come(16). make away with oneself, commit suicide: 自杀: Why did he ~ away with himself? 他为什么自杀? ~ away with sth, destroy or steal it. 摧毁; 窃取。 make for sb/sth, a move in the direction of; head for: 向某方向移动; 走向: The frigate made for the open sea. 那艘巡防舰开向大海。 It's late; we'd better turn and ~ for home. 时间晚了,我们最好转向回家。 b charge at, rush towards: 攻击; 袭击; 兰向: The bull made for me and 1 had to run. 那只公牛向我冲来,我不得不逃避。 When the interval came everyone made for the bar, ie to buy drinks. 休息时间一到,每个人都跑向酒吧。 c contribute to, tend towards: 有助于; 倾向于: Does early rising ~ for good health? 卓起勤健康有益吗? The improved lid of this jar ~s for easier opening. 这个改良过的广口瓶盖子易于开启。 make sth/sb into sth, change or convert to: 使变为; 转变为: The huts can be made into temporary houses. 这些简陋的小屋可改装为临时住宅。 He wasn't always a bully—you made him into one. 他并不老是个恃强凌弱的人,是你使他变成那样的。 make sth of sb/sth, understand, interpret: 了解;解棒: What do you ~ of it all? 你对这一切作何解释 ? What are We to ~ of his behaviour? 较们原盅解释他的行为? I can ~ nothing of all this scribble. 这些潦草的笔迹我一点也看不懂。 make off, hurry away (esp in order to escape): 匆匆离开(尤指逃运): The get-away car made off at top speed. 那辆逃走的汽车倾全速驶去。 ~ with sth, steal and hurry away: 卷逃: The cashier made off with the firm's money. 那个出纳带着公司里的款逃走了。 make sth out, a write out; complete or fill in: 写出; 开出; 填写: ~ out a cheque for £10; 开出一张十英钟的支票; ~ out a list for the grocer; 把要向杂货商购买的东西列成一张单子; ~。心 a document in duplicate. 将一 ■ 文件写成一式两份。 b manage to see, read (usu implying difficulty): 看出来; 读出来; 认出来(通常含示经过困难): We made out a figure in the darkness. 我们在黑暗里看出一个人影。 The outline of the house could just be made out. 那屋子的轮廓勉强可以看出。 ~ out that.../ ~ sb out to be, claim; assert; maintain: 声称; 断言; 认定: He made out that he had been badly treated. 他声称他钟经受到虐待。 He ~s himself out to be cleverer than he really is. 他认为他比实际上更聪明。 He's not such a good lawyer as some people ~ out, ie ~ him out to be, 他不是像某些人所说的那样好的律师。 ~ sb out, understand sbs nature: 了麻兼人而在情: What a queer fellow he is! I can't ~ him out at all. 他是多么奇怪的一个人!我完全不能了解他。 ~ it out; ~ (it) out if/whether, understand: 了解: I can't ~ out what he wants. 我不了解他要什么。 I couldn't ~ it out—did, they want our help or not? 我不了解一他们到底需不需要我们帮忙? How do you/does he, etc ~ that out? How do you/does he reach that conclusion, support that contention? 你(他等)怎么会得到那个结论(支持那个论点)? ~ out (with sb), progress, get on: 进展: How are things making out? 一斯事情进展如向? How are you making out with Lucy? How's your friendship progressing? 你和露西的友谊进展如何? ~ out a case for/against/that. , argue for/ against: 为赞成 (反对) 而争论: He has made out a strong case for prison reform. 他为监狱改革而力 A case could be made out that Smith should be released/for Smith's release. 我们主张史密斯应被释放。 make sth/sb over, a change, transform, convert: 改变; 变更; 转变: The basement has been made over into a workshop. 那地下室已改作工场。 You can't ~ over a personality in one day. 一个人的个性非一日所能改变。 b transfer the possession or ownership of: 转让所有权:移转: He has made over the whole of his property to the National Trust. 他把全部财产交托给国立信托局。 How much did he ~ over? 他转让多少? make sth up, a complete: 完成; 补足: We still need £5 to ~ up the sum we asked for. 我们还需要五英镑,以补足我们所要求的数目。 They need ten more men to ~ up their full complement. 他们尙需十个人员以补足。 b supply; ~ good: 补充; 弥补: Our losses have to be made up with more loans. 我们的损失必须靠更多的贷款来补充。 c invent; compose (esp to deceive): 揑造; 编造 (尤指用于欺骗): The whole story is made up. 整个故事是虚构的。 It's all a made-up story. 这完至是揑造的故事。 Stop making things up! 不要再编近了 ! d arrange type, illustrations, etc in columns or pages for printing: 将铅字、插图等排成栏或页; 排版; 整版: Who is in charge of making up/the up of the financial pages? 谁负责排财务版? e form; compose; constitute: 合成; 富成; 组织: Are all animal bodies made up of cells? 所有动物的身体都是细胞组成的吗? What are the qualities that ~ up Hamlet's character? 哈姆雷特的性格是由那些特质构成的? I object to the way the committee is made up/to the ~-up of the committee. 我反对这委员会的组织方式。 f prepare, eg medicine, a prescription, tonic, by mixing ingredients: 配药: Ask the chemist to ~ this up for you. 请药商为你配这服药。 g put together; shape: 整理; 收拾: ~ up a bundle of old clothes for the church bazaar. 整理出一包旧衣供敎会义卖。 The grocer was making up the butter into packages of half a kilo. 杂货店老板正在把奶油分成半公斤盒装。 Have you made up Mrs Smith's order yet, ie collected the items, articles, etc she ordered? 你把史密斯太太要的货收拾好了没有? h ~ (material, cloth, etc) into a garment: 把 (布料等) 缝制成衣服; 裁制: Customer's own materials made up. 顾客自备材料,本店代为缝制衣服。 Can you ~ up this suit length for me? 你能用这块料子为我做成一套衣服吗? This material will ~ up into two dresses. 这块料子可裁制两件衣服。 i add fuel to, eg a fire in a fireplace or stove: 加燃料于 (火或域): The fire needs making up, needs to have more coal put on it. 这火需要毎煤。 If the stove isn't made up, it will go out. 如果炉子不加燃料,火会熄灭。 j prepare (a bed) not at present in use (as for a new hospital patient); prepare (a new makeshift bed, eg on the floor): 准备 (床铺) 以备用 (例如为伙院新病人); 准备 (临时床铺,如荏地板上): You can't go into the ward yet; your bed's still to be made up. 你现在还不能进入病房, 你的床铺尙未备妥。 They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor. 他启为那个不速之客在沙发上铺个床铺。 ~ sb/oneself up, prepare . (an actor/oneself) for the stage by applying grease-paint, hair, etc to his/one's face or body; apply cosmetics to the face: 使某演员 (自己) 装扮好准备登台; 化装; 打扮: It takes him more than an hour to ~ up/do his ~-up for the part of Othello. 他花费一个多小时化装为奥赛罗。 Isn't she badly made up! 她化妆得多难看! Hence, 由此产生, ~-up n ~ up one's/sb's mind, come/cause sb to come to a decision: 下决心; 决定; 使某人下决心: I've made up my mind. 我已决定了。 My mind's made up. 我的心意已定。 He needs someone to ~ up his mind for him. 他需要别人替他作决定。 ~ up for sth, compensate for; outweigh: 补偿; 弥补; 胜过: Hard work can often ~ up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。 Do you think her beauty could ~ up for her stupidity? 你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗? ~ up for lost time, hurry, work hard, etc after losing time, starting late, etc. 加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间。 ~ up to sb for sth. atone; redress; ~ amends for: 为某事而补偿某人: How can we ~ it up to them for what they have suffered? 我们如何能补偿他们所遭受的损害? ~ up to sb. ~ oneself pleasant to sb, to win favours: 向某人献股勤; 向集人献媚邀宠: He's always making up to influential people. 他经常向有势力的人献媚邀宠。 He doesn't welcome being made up to. 他不喜欢别人向他献殷勤。 ~ it up to sb, compensate sb for sth missed or suffered, or for money etc spent: 补偿某人: Thanks for buying my ticket—I'll ~ it up to you later, by refunding you. 谢谢你为我买票 —— 我稍后会还你钱的。 ~ it up (with sb), end a quarrel, dispute or misunderstanding: (与某人) 和解; 和好: They quarrel every morning and ~ it up every evening. 他们每天早上吵架,晚上和好。 Why don't you ~ it up with her? 你为什么不跟她和解?




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