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单词 snug
释义 snug /snAg; snAg/ adj (-gg-) 1 sheltered from wind and cold; warm and comfortable: 不受风塞侵袭的; 温暖而舒适的: ~ and cosy by the fireside; 在火炉旁边温暧而舒适; ~ in bed; 舒适的在床上; a ~ woollen vesf. 温暧的毛背心。 2 neat and tidy; rightly or conveniently placed or arranged: 整氽的; 安排适当的: a ~ cabin, on a ship. 整洁的船舱。 3 good enough for modest needs: 可满足适度需要的: a ~ little income. 可维持适度生活的微薄收入。 4 closely fitting: 紧贴的; 紧身的: a ~ jacket; 紧身的上衣; (as an adv) (作副词用) a ~-fitting coat. 合身的上废。 n = snuggery. adv ~ness t




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