轴(軸)zhóuⅠ ❶ (圆柱形的零件) axle; shaft: 轮 ~ wheel axle; wheel spindle; 曲 ~ crank shaft; 阀 ~ valve spindle ❷ (对称部分的直线) axis: 视 ~ the visual axis; 地 ~ the earth's axis ❸ (圆柱形的缠绕器物) roller; spool: 卷 ~ roller; 线 ~ 儿 spool Ⅱ (用于缠在轴上的线以及装裱带轴子的字画): 两 ~ 丝线 two spools of silk thread; 一 ~ 油画 a scroll of oil painting 另见 see also zhòu。 ◆轴承 {机} bearing; axle bearing; bearing of shafts; gudgeon block; mechanical bearing; pillow; shaft bearing; 轴齿轮 shaft gear; 轴传动 through-drive; shaft drive transission; 轴端 axle head; shaft end; 轴对称 {数} axial symmetry; rotational symmetry; 轴架 pedestal; pedestal body; shaft bracket; shafting bracket; spindle bracket; 轴肩 shaft shoulder; shoulder of spindle; 轴颈 bolster bearing; cross-rod; {机} journal; axle journal; axle neck; axle stub end; bearing location; gudgeon journal; journal neck; journal of shaft; maneton; neck of axle; neck of shaft; shaft journal; shaft neck; 轴流 axial compressor; 轴流式 axial-flow type; 轴面 axode; axoid; axial plane; {地质} axial surface; pinacoidal faces; pinacoid; 轴索 axon; axone; neuron; neuraxis; neuraxon; axis cylinder; 轴线 {机} axis; axle; {地质} axial trace; axial cord; axis shaft line; shaft line; {纺} spool thread; spool cotton; 轴箱 {工} axle box; axle housing; housing box; journal- box; step box; 轴向 {机} axial; 轴心 axis; axle centre; 轴子 roller; (tuning) peg; (lute) pin
轴(軸)zhòu(构词成分): 压 ~ 子 [yā zhòu zi] ❶ (戏曲演出中的倒数第二个节日) the last item but one on a theatrical programme ❷ (排在倒数第二的一出戏) present a theatrical performance as the last but one item on programme 另见 see also zhóu。 |