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单词 数见不鲜

数见不鲜shù jiàn bù xiān

a common occurrence;be encountered with many times; it is often seen;nothing new
❍ 一岁中往来过他客,率不过再三过,~,无久恩公为也。(《史记·郦生陆贾列传》2700) In the course of a year,what with the time spent in traveling back and forth and visits elsewhere,I shall not have visited any one of you more than two or three times. If we were to see each other too often,our meetings would lose their freshness,and I would not like to burden you with a prolonged stay.
❍ 这种谣言,在各处所发生的真~了。(鲁迅《集外集拾遗·启事》) The rumours which have seeped out in various places are actually nothing new.

数见不鲜shuò jiàn bù xiān

数:屡次;鲜:指新杀的鸟兽。经常来的客人就不必宰杀禽畜招待。引申为经常见到,不觉新鲜。nothing new, a common occurrence, it is often seen





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