(构词成分): ~ 文 [- wén; zhuǎn wén] lard one's speech with literary allusions; show off with one's learning
另见 see also zhuǎn; zhuàn。
❶ (改换方向、位置、形势、情况等) change; shift; transfer; turn: ~ 到另一学院 transfer to another college; ~ 朝太阳 turn to the sun; 调 ~ 船头 round a boat off; 由防御 ~ 入进攻 shift from the defensive to the offensive; 明天的天气: 上午晴, 下午 ~ 多云。 The weather for tomorrow: Clear in the morning, changing to light overcast in the afternoon. 我们研究的重点 ~ 到预防感染和败血病方面来。 The main emphasis of our research has shifted to the prevention of infection and septicemia. 我 ~ 过头, 看见一个人的侧影。 I turned my head and saw the profile of a man.
❷ (传递) transmit; transfer; pass on: 把礼品 ~ 送给他 pass the gift on to him; 把文件 ~ 回办公室 transmit the document back to the office; ~ 党的组织关系 transfer the registration of one's Party membership from one unit to another; 信已经 ~ 给他了。 The letter has been forwarded to him.
另见 see also zhuǎi; zhuàn 。
◆转氨酶 aminopherase; aminotransferase; transam ̄ inase; 转败为胜 snatch a victory out of defeat; get upsides with; pull out of the fire; turn [change] defeat into victory; turn the table(s) on; 转变 change; convert; transform; turn; 转播 rebroadcast; repeat; relay; retransmit; 转差 slip; 转产 change the line of production; switch to other production; turn over to the manufacture of other products; switch to other products; 转场 cut to; transition; transfer; deployment;
转储{计} dump; unload; memory transfer; 转船 change to another ship; transship; 转达 pass on; convey; communicate; mediate; 转道 make a detour; go by way of; 转调 {音} modulation; transposition; 转动 turn; move; turn round; 转发 retransmission; transmit; repeat; relay; 转告 pass on; communicate; transmit; 转化 change; transform; {化} inversion; conversion; 转圜 save (a situation); mediate; 转换 change; transform; convert; switch; 转换企业经营机制 transfer of operating mechanism of enterprise; 转机 a favourable turn; a turn for the better; transfer; 转寄 send on; forward (letter); 转嫁 marry again; remarry; shift; transfer; 转交 deliver; transmit; pass on; care of; reassign; onward transmission; 转角 corner; diversion; street corner; nook; 转接 change-over; throw-over; switch; transfer; transit; reset; adapter coupling; built-up connection; 转科 change one's major; go to a different medical division; transfer from one department to another; 转口 transit; entrepot; 转亏为盈 turn loss into gain; 转脸 turn one's face; 转捩点 crunch; turning point; 转录 {电} transcribe; transfer; {声} mixing; rerecording; {生} transcription; duplicating; 转卖 resell; subpurchase; 转念 reconsider and give up an idea; think better of; change mind; 转蓬 float about in a shiftless way, like a leaf blown about; 转让 transfer the possession of; assignment; make over; 转让方 assignor; 转让费 royalty; 转让权 assignment right; 转入 change over to; shift to; switch to; 转身 turn-back; turn round; face about; 转生 {佛教} reincarnation; transmigration; 转手 change hands; sell what one has bought; pass on; 转述 report; relate sth. as told by another; 转瞬 in a twinkle; in a flash; 转送 pass on; transmit on; make a present of sth. given to one; 转体 {体} turn; twist; swivel; tumble; 转托 ask sb. else to do what is asked of one; 转弯 wheel; swerve; turn a corner; make a turn; 转弯抹角 full of twists and turns; beat about the bush; in a roundabout way; in a devious way; prunes and prism; circumambulate; 转位 transposition; 转文 lard one's speech with literary allusions; show off with one's learning; 转向 turn; turn round [around]; swing; sway; change direction; change one's political position; 转向架 bogie; bogey; bogy (pl. bogies; bogeys); truck; 转学 transfer to another school; 转眼 in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; in a flash; vergence; 转业 be transferred to civilian work; 转移 shift; transfer; divert; change; transform; {医} metastasis; metaptosis; metastasy; 转义 {语} transferred meaning; figurative sense; 转引 quote from a secondary source; 转运 transport; transfer; transship; have a change of luck; luck turns in one's favour; 转载 reprint sth. that has been published elsewhere; reprint; 转赠 make a present of sth. given to one; 转战 fight in one place after another; 转帐 transfer accounts; bring forward; carry over [forward]; 转折 a turn in the course of events; transition (of an essay); 转正 become a full member; become a regular worker; 转注 {语} mutually explanatory or synonymous characters; 转租 sublet; sublease; farm-out
Ⅰ ❶ (旋转) revolve; rotate; turn; swivel: ~ 圈子 make circle; 不能倒 ~ cannot turn back; 地球既公 ~ 又自 ~。 The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis. 轮子 ~ 得太慢。 The wheel turns too slowly.
❷ (闲逛) stroll: 出去 ~ 一 ~好吗? Do you feel like a stroll? 你在这儿 ~ 来 ~ 去干什么? What are you hanging around here for? Ⅱ (绕一圈叫绕一转) revolution: 每分钟120 ~ 120 revolutions per minute; 120 r.p.m.
另见 see also zhuǎi; zhuǎn。
◆转碟 {杂技} plate-spinning; 转动 turn; run; twirl; roll; revolve; rotate; 转鼓 {机} barrate; bowl; drum; 转筋 twitch; 转矩 torque; 转炉 {冶} converter; 转轮 reel; {机} runner; 转门 {建} swing door; revolving door; 转盘 {机} turntable; {体} giant stride; {杂技} disc-spinning; {石油} rotary table; platform; dial; turnplate; turnstile; figure plate; cradle nousing turn plate; 转圈 circle; turn; whirl; ring; 转数 revolution; convolution; 转速 speed; revolution; rotation rate; speed of revolution; rotating speed; rotational speed; 转速计 tachometer; tachoscope; velometer; revolution counter; cycloscope; 转台 revolving stage; swivel table; rotating platform; turnstile; revolving table; tilting stand; 转筒 {化} {机} drum; 转向 lose one's bearings; get lost; {眼} vergence; 转椅 swivel chair; revolving chair; 转悠 [口] turn; move from side to side; stroll; saunter; take a leisurely walk; 转轴 spindle; rotation shaft; spin axis; revolving shaft; 转子 {机} rotor; rotator; armature; runner; trochanter; bowl