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单词 玉不琢,不成器

玉不琢,不成器yù bù zhuó , bù chéng qì

jade cannot be made into anything without being cut or polished—one cannot become useful without being educated; a man needs training and discipline; the best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching;training and discipline are necessary for the making of men
❍ ~; 人不学,不知道。(《礼记·学记》)It takes chiselling to make jade into valuable articles. A man would be ignorant if he refused to learn.

玉不琢,不成器yu bu zhuo,bu cheng qi

jade cannot be made into anything without being cut and polished—one cannot be useful without being educated


Jade cannot be made into anything without being cut and polished.—one cannot become useful without being educated;the best horse needs breaking in and the aptest child needs teaching.

玉不琢,不成器yù bù zhuó ,bù chénɡ qì

琢:雕。玉石不经过雕琢,就不能成为器物。比喻人不经过学习锻炼,就不能成为有用之才。as man needs training and discipline, spare the rod and spoil the child





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