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单词 lumber
释义 lumber1 /'lmbs (k-); 'lmbv/ n [U] 1 roughly prepared wood; wood that has been sawn into planks, boards, etc. 木材; 木料; 木条; 木板。 '~man /-man; -man/ , ~-jack n man who fells trees; man who saws or transports ~. 伐木工人; 锯木材或运木材的人。 '~-mill n saw-mill. 锯木厂。 ' ~- yard n place where ~ is stored. 木材堆置场。 2 (chiefly GB) useless or unwanted articles stored -away or taking up space (eg old furniture, pictures). (主英) 无用的杂物 (例如旧家具,图画等) 。 , ~ .room n one in which ~ is stored. 破旧东茜的储存室。 vt [VP6A, 14, 15A, B] ~ sth (up) (with), (often in passive) fill with ~; fill space inconveniently; encumber: (常用被动语态) 堆满无用之物; 零乱堆积; 阻碍: a room ~ed up with useless articles; 堆满无用物品的房间; (fig) (喻) a mind that is ~ed (up) with useless bits of information. 充满无用资料的头脑。




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