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单词 solid
释义 solid /'solid; 'solid/ adj 1 not in the form of a liquid or gas: 固体的; 非液体或气体的: ~ fuels, eg coal, wood; 固体燃料; ~-fuelled rockets. 固体燃料火箭。 When water freezes and becomes ~, we call it ice. 水冻结变成固体时,我们称之为冰。 'state adj (of electronic devices) totally transistorized, ie without valves: (指电子装置) 全晶髓的: a ~-state amplifier. 全晶体扩大器。 2 compact; substantial; heavy: 致密的; 结实的; 丰富的; 难消化的: a man with good ~ flesh on him; 一个肌肉结实的男人; ~ /bod, not slops. 固体食物 (不是流质的) 。 3 without holes or spaces; not hollow: 实心的; 无孑 L 的; 无空隙的: a ~ sphere. 实心球。 4 of strong or firm material or construction; able to support weight or resist pressure: 坚固的; 可支持重物的; 可抵抗压力的: ~ buildings/furniture; 坚固的建筑物 (家具); build on ~ foundations; 在坚实的地基上建筑; a man of ~ build; 体格结实的人; on ~ ground; 在坚实的地面上; steps cut in the ~ rock. 在坚石上凿出的台阶。 5 that can be depended on: 可靠的; 可依赖的: ~ arguments; 理由充分的论点; 0 ~ ( = financially sound) business firm; 信用可靠的商家; a man of ~ character. 性格稳定的人。 6 alike all through; of the same substance throughout: 纯的; 全部为同一物质的; 全部一样的: made of - gold. 纯金制成。 7 unanimous; undivided: 一致的; 不分歧的: We are ~ for peace. 我们一致拥护和平。 The miners are ~ on this issue. 矿工们对此一争端立场 — 致。 There was a ~ vote in favour of the proposal. 该提案获全体一致通过。 8 continuous; without a break: 继续不断的; 无间断的: wait for a ~ hour; 整整等了一个小时; sleep ten ~ hours/ten hours ~. 连续睡了十小时。 9 (maths) having length, breadth and thickness: (数学) 立体的; 立方体的: a ~ figure, eg a cube; 立体图形 (如立方体); ~ geometry, of, ~, not plane, figure. 立体几何。 n [C] 1 body or substance which is ~, not a liquid or a gas. 固体。 2 (geom) figure of three dimensions. (几何) 立体 (图) 形。 ~ly adv solidity /sa'lidsti; sa'hdati/ ~ness n [U] quality of being ~: 固体性; 可靠性; 坚固; 致密: the ~ity of a building/argument, etc. 建筑物的坚固 (论点之可靠性) 。




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