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(姓氏) a surname:~ 鹏 Gui Peng
另见 see also ɡuì。


(两膝弯曲着地) kneel;go down on one's knees:下 ~ kneel upon one's knees;kneel down before sb.;
几个妇女 ~ 在佛像前祈祷。 Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed.
另见 see also ɡuǐ。
◆跪拜 worship on bended knees;kowtow;
跪撑摔 ground wrestling;
跪倒 throw oneself on one's knees;prostrate oneself;grovel;
跪倒脚下 throw oneself at sb.'s feet;
跪倒在地 go down on one's knees;kneel (up)on the ground;
跪地哀求 kneel on the ground crying for mercy;
跪地乞命 be lying in the dust pleading for one's life;
跪地乞饶 prostrate oneself before sb. and beg for mercy and forgiveness;throw oneself on the ground and plead for mercy;
跪垫 hassock;
跪动作 kneeling part;
跪伏 couch; 跪落 knee drop; 跪乳之恩 filial piety; 跪射 {军} kneeling fire;
跪毯 sedjadeh;
跪腿摔 hip roll wrestling;
跪下 kneel;drop to one's knees;
跪下求饶 kneel down begging for pardon;fall to one's knees,begging for mercy;
跪在人前 fall on one's knees before sb.;kneel at sb.'s feet;
跪姿 kneeling position





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