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单词 跃跃欲试

跃跃欲试yuè yuè yù shì

anxious to have a try;anxious to try one’s chance; be eager to try; gird up one’s loins for a try; itch for action;itch to have a go
❍ 这引得大家~,恨不得手里立刻来一枝枪。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》379) This inspired everyone with elation and a desire to have a go for themselves,and they only wished that they had a gun in their hands at this very moment./……北京的某些王公、遗老曾一度~,等着恢复旧日冠盖,但是我这时已经明白,这是决不可能的了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》353) …some princes and old-timers in Beijing were eager for a revival of the old order,but by now I knew that this was impossible.
❍ 这情报象块肥肉似的,使他馋涎欲滴,心里~了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》559) His mouth watered at the prospect,and he could hardly sit still./ “年轻女子一定是成瑶!” 黎纪钢~地插上一句。(罗广斌、杨益言 《红岩》558) “The young woman must be Cheng Yao,” interjected Li Jigang eagerly.
❍ 严知孝一听,觉得冯贵堂谈得挺有道理,也~。(梁斌《红旗谱》398) Yan thought there was much sense in what he said,and felt a twinge of envy.
❍ 这样一来,一些丧尽天良的资本家,就见利忘义,~。(《毛泽东选集》645)At the prospect of profits,some conscienceless capitalists forget all moral principles and itch to have a go.


itch to have a go;be anxious to have a try

跃跃欲试yuè yuè yù shì

跃跃:急于要动的样子。形容心情迫切,非常想要试一试。be eager to have a try, eager to take steps, itch for action, be anxious to have a try





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