释义 |
自相矛盾zì xiāng máo dùnargue against oneself;beat oneself with one’s own staff; be inconsistent:;be self-contradictory; contradict oneself; para doxical; stultify oneself ❍ 这中间岂不是有点~? (茅盾《子夜》 131) Isn’t that being rather inconsistent?/但是慢慢的,她对他的印象有了改变——他的精神越来越不正常,萎靡、颓丧,说话时而侃侃而谈头头是道,似乎叫人非服从不可;但时而又吞吞吐吐~。(杨沫《青春之歌》569) Gradually her impression of him changed,however,for as time went by he acted more and more strangely. Generally he wore a hangdog look,yet now and then he would flare up and hold forth in a lordly manner,then stammer and contradict him self. ❍ 且环婢开口,即‘者也之乎’,非文即理,故逐一看去,悉皆~,大不近情理之说。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》204)In fact,even the maids in them talk like pedants on classical literature and philosophy; but if you look more closely,they are all self-contradictory and beyond the bounds of reason. ❍ 更可厌者,‘之乎者也’,非理即文,大不近情,~:……(《红楼梦》3) What makes these romances even more detestable is the stilted,bombastic language—inanities dressed in pompous rhetoric,remote alike from nature and common sense and teeming with the grossest absurdities. 自相矛盾self-contradictory 自相矛盾be self-contradictory;contradict oneself 这种说法~,站不住脚。Such remarks are self-contradictory and untenable. 自相矛盾zì xiānɡ máo dùn矛、盾:古代用于进攻和防御的武器。比喻语言、行动前后互相抵触。contridict oneself, be in consistent, argue against oneself, cut oneself, self-contradiction |