趣qùⅠ ❶ (趣味; 兴味) interest; delight: 有 ~ interesting; delightful; amusing; 自讨没 ~ ask for a snub ❷ (志趣) bent; purport: 本书旨 ~ the purport of the book; 志 ~ aspirations and interests; bent; 异 ~ different inclination [bent] Ⅱ (有趣味的) interesting: ~ 事 an interesting episode ◆趣话 witty remark; witticism; wisecrack; 趣剧 farce; 趣事 fun; 趣谈 farce; 趣味 interest; delight; taste; liking; preference; 趣味盎然 full of interest; 趣味索然 dry as dust; insipid; 趣味无穷 be of infinite interest; afford the greatest delight; be fascinating; 趣味相投 be congenial to one's tastes; 趣闻 interesting news |