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❶ (由两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成的液体) water: 淡 [软; 硬] ~ fresh [soft; hard] water; 海绵吸 ~。 A sponge absorbs water. ~ 含有氢和氧。 Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.
❷ (河流) river: 汉 ~ the Han River
❸ (指江、河、湖、海、洋) a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water: ~ 陆运输 land and water transportation; ~ 上人家 boat dwellers; ~ 平如镜。 The surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror.
❹ (水流) current: 顺 ~ downstream; with the current; 我们的船逆 ~ 而行。 Our ship stemmed on against the current.
❺ (稀的汁) a liquid: 桔子 ~ orangeade; 墨 ~ ink
❻ (货币中银的含量) silver content in coins: 贴 ~ discount for inferior coins
❼ (指附加的费用或额外的收入) extra charges or income: 汇 ~ remittance fee; 外 ~ extra income
❽ (五行之一) water, one of the five elements
❾ (水族) the Shui nationality, living mainly in Guizhou
❿ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 苏民 Shui Sumin
◆水坝 dam; pen;
水泵 water pump; compressed water pump;
水笔 stiff-haired writing brush; water-colour paint brush; [方] (fountain) pen;
水边 water's edge; water side; water front;
水表 water meter; watermeter; water-flowmeter;
水鳖 {植} frogbit;
水鳖子 apus;
水兵 marine; sailor; seaman; bluejacket;
水玻璃 sodium silicate; soluble glass; soluble silicate; {材} water glass;
水波 ripple; water wave;
水彩 watercolour; water; tempera;
水舱 water tank;
水仓 dibhole; sump; {矿} water sump;
水槽 water channel; trough; pentrough; mantle; water slide; cistern; scoop-channel; gullet;
水草 water and grass; waterweeds; water plants; aquatic plant; aquatic weed;
水虿 {动} the nymph of the dragonfly, etc.;
水产 aquatic product;
水产品 aquatic product;
水产养殖 {生} aquiculture; aquaculture;
水车 waterwheel; watercart; water wagon;
水成(的) aqueous; hydrogenic; hydatogenic; neptunian;
水程 journey by boat; voyage; {工} water path;
水池 pond; pool; cistern;
水尺 staff gauge; water gauge; depth gauge;
水处理 water treatment;
水层 water-course;
水到渠成 When water flows, a channel is formed.; A canal is formed when water comes — sth. achieved without effort.; What happens without extra effort; When conditions are ripe, success will come.;
水稻 paddy (rice); rice;
水道 water channel; channel; waterway; watercourse; water carrier; water-race; water lane; klong; lagoon; lagune; [苏格兰] water gang; vein; [美南部、 中部] bogue; inset; raceway; gout; gullet; {穴位} Shuidao (S 28);水滴 water-drop;
水滴石穿 Dripping water wears through a stone.; Constant dripping wears away [will wear away] a stone.; Constant dripping wears the stone.; Constant effort brings success; Drops of water in time would wear through a rock.; Little strokes fell great oaks.; One can accomplish seemingly impossible things by sustained effort.; Persistent effort can solve any problem.;
水底 water bottom; bed;
水地 irrigated land; paddy fields;
水垫床 water bed;
水电 hydroelectricity; hydropower; water and electricity;
水电站 [简] hydroelectric (power) station; hydropower station;
水貂(皮) {脊椎} mink;
水痘 crystalli; varicella; chicken pox;
水碓 water-powered trip-hammer (for husking rice);
水飞蓟 {植} milk thistle silybum marianum;
水肥 manure of fermented night-soil mixed with water;
水沸点 water boiling point;(自来)水费 water rate; water rent;
水粉 [方] soaked bean-noodles; a cosmetic made from powder and glycerine;
水分 moisture [water] content; dew; humidity; exaggeration;
水封 {油工} water block; water closing; water lute; water seal;
水浮莲 {植} water lettuce; water cabbage;
水缸 water vat;
水工 irrigation works; water conservancy project;
水沟 gutterway; ditch; drain; gole; gaw; gool; {核} canal;
水垢 incrustant; incrustation scale; scale deposit; scale; incrustation;
水臌 {中医} ascites;
水锆石 orvillite;
水管 waterpipe; water carrier; aqueduct; water conduit; water pipe; syphon; siphon;
水罐 water pot; tanks; aquamanile; hydria; jug;
水柜 water tank;
水果 fruit; slump;
水合 aquation; hydration; hydratization; hydratation;
水红 bright pink; cerise;
水壶 kettle;canteen;watering can;jug;
水葫芦 {植} water hyacinth;
水浒传 All Men Are Brothers, a popular fiction by Shi Nai'an;
水花 algae [water] bloom; spray; {中医} chickenpox;
水化 aquation; hydration; hydratization; hydratation;
水患 flood; inundation;
水火 fire and water — two things diametrically opposed to each other; extreme misery;
水火不相容 be incompatible like water and fire; no intercourse [merging] between water and fire;
水火无情 Fire and water have no mercy.; Floods and fires have no mercy for anybody.; Water and fire are merciless.; Water and fire show no sympathy to men.; 水货 smuggled goods;
水鸡 water cock; moor ̄ hen;
水碱 thermonatrite; scale; incrustation;
水浆涂料 slurry coating; distemper; distemperature;
水胶 glue;
水饺 boiled dumplings;
水解 {化} hydrolyzation; hydrolysis; aquolysis;
水晶 {矿} berg crystal; crystal; mountain crystal; pebble; quartz crystal; rock crystal;
水井 well;
水警 water police; water policeman;
水酒 watery wine (said by a host of his own wine);
水军 navy;
水科学 hydroscience;
水坑 puddle; pool; water hole;
水库 reservoir;
水牢 water dungeon;
水老鸦 {动} cormorant;
水涝 waterlogging;
水雷 mine; mine fuse; torpedo; naval mine; underwater mine;
水冷 {食} hydrocooling; water-cooling;
水利 water conservancy; irrigation works; water conservancy project;
水利工程 irrigation works; water conservancy project;
水利枢纽 key water control project; hydro-junction;
水力 waterpower; hydraulic power;
水力发电 hydraulic electrogenerating; hydro (electric) power; hydroelectric generation;
水帘 nappe; spray;
水量 water yield; the yield of water;
水疗 hydrotherapeutics; hydrotherapy;
水疗法 hydrotherapy; hydropathy; hydriatry;
水淋淋 dripping with water;
水灵(灵) [方] fresh and juicy; bright and beautiful; radiant and vivacious;
水流 rivers; streams; waters; current; water flow; fluent; flow; {水文} stream current;
水流星 {天} aqueous meteor; {杂技} spinning bowls of water; water meteor;
水溜 eaves gutter;
水龙 fire hose; hose;
水龙头 stopcock; hydrovalve; swivel; fuller faucet; fuller bibcock; fuller cock; water tap; faucet;
水漏 hourglass;
水路 waterway; water route; aquage; [现英方] gote;
水陆 land and water; delicacies from land and sea;
水陆联运 water-land transshipment; land-and-water coordinated transport; through transport by land and water; joint rail-and-water transportation; 水陆两用[栖] amphibious;
水铝矿 gibbsite;
水绿 light green;
水轮 {工} water wheels;
水轮机 water turbine; hydroturbine;
水落石出 When the water subsides the rocks emerge.; Doubts will clear up when the facts are known.; reach the bottom of sth.; The time will come to reveal the whole truth.; The whole thing comes to light.; When the water ebbs, stones will appear.;
水煤气 water gas;
水门 water gate; gole; hydropore; clough; claugh; water valve;
水门汀 [方] cement;
水锰矿 sphenomanganite; newkirkite; manganite;
水米无交 have no contact with each other;
水蜜桃 honey peach;
水密 watertight;
水面 the surface of the water; table;
水面舰艇 water surface ship; water surface craft; surface vessel; surface ship; surface force;
水磨 polishing with a waterstone; levigation;
水磨石 waterstone; terrazzo;
水墨画 ink and wash; wash painting; Chinese monochromes; wash drawing;
水磨 water mill; grind grain, etc. fine while adding water;
水母 scaleph; jellyfish; jelly; blubber; medusam; medusa; {无脊椎} medusa; medus-; medusi-;水能 hydroenergy;
水泥 cement; -lith;
水碾 water-powered roller (for grinding grain);
水鸟 {动} aquatic bird; water bird; {脊椎} waterfowl;
水牛 buffalo; water buffalo; buff; -kerbau;
水暖工 plumber;
水牌 a laquered board in shops for erasable writing;
水疱 blister; phlycten; pomphus; vesicle; vesico-;水泡 water vacuole; bladder; bleb; bubble; blister;
水瓢 water ladle; bailer; baler;
水平 horizontal; level; standard; level;
水平面 horizontal plane; level; water level; plane;
水平线 horizon; level; horizontal line; waterline;
水气 brume; steam;
水汽 water vapour; moisture; {气} aqueous vapour;
水枪 hydraulic giant; hydraulic monitor; water syringe; water pistol; giant;
水橇 {航空} hydroskis;
水禽 {动} waterfowl; water bird; aquatic bird;
水青冈 {植} beech;
水情 {水} regimen; water regimen;
水曲柳 ashtree; Japanese ash; tamo; northeast China ash; fraxinus mandshurica;
水渠 water channel; raceline; ditch; canal;
水圈 {地} hydrosphere;
水溶液 {化} aqueous solution;
水乳交融 get along swimmingly with each other; be in perfect [complete] harmony; blend as well as milk and water; completely blended like milk and water — in complete harmony; mixed well like milk and water;
水色 water; water colour;
水砂纸 waterproof abrasive paper;
水杉 dawn redwood; metasequoia;
水上(的) water; overwater; water borne; aquatic;
水上飞机 seaplane; hydroplane; airboat; water plane; aerohydroplane; seagoing plane; aquaplane;
水筲 water pail; water bucket;
水蛇 {动} water snake;
水蛇腰 a slender figure with slightly-bent waist;
水舌 overflow; tongue; nappe;
水深 depth of water;
水深火热 The water is deep and the fire is hot.; be in deep distress; be plunged into dire suffering; be plunged into the [an] abyss of misery; deep water and scorching fire — an abyss of suffering; extreme misery; in dire suffering; keep ... in suffering; live in great [utter] misery; live in the abyss of suffering;
水声 {物} underwater sound; sound of water;
水生(的) aquatic; {植} hydrophilous;
水师 [旧] navy in ancient times;
水虱 bosmina; beach louse;
水蚀 water erosion;
水势 flow of water; rise and fall of floodwater;
水手 seaman; sailor;
手刷石 granitc plaster;
水松 Chinese cypress; huon pine;
水塔 {土} water tower;
水獭 otter; bank beaver;
水潭 puddle; pool; [印] jheel; jhil; water;
水塘 {地理} pond; pool;
水天一色 The waters and skies merge in one colour.; The sea seems to melt into the sky (at the horizon).; The water and the sky merge in one colour.; The water was a white stretch, joining the sky at the horizon.;
水田 paddy [wet] field;
水桶 water breaker; pail; bucket;
水头 waterhead; head; flood peak;
水土 water and soil; natural environment and climate;
水汪汪 (of eyes) bright and intelligent;
水网 network of rivers;
水位 stage; water level;
水温 water temperature;
水文 hydrology;
水文地质 hydrogeololgy;
水文学 hydrology;
水涡(儿) eddies of water;
水污染 water pollution; {环保} water contamination;
水螅 {无脊椎} polypite; hydra;
水洗 {摄} wash; water scrubbing; washing; rinsing;
水系 river system; hydrographic net; drainage; basin;
水下 undersea; underwater;
水仙 {植} narcissus;
水险 marine insurance; marine risk;
水线 waterline; shoreline;
水箱 water box; lavabo; water block; water tank;
水乡 region of rivers and lakes;
水榭 waterside pavilion;
水泄不通 ... even a drop of water couldn't leak out [trickle through]; (to besiege ...) so closely that not a drop of water could have trickled through; be watertight; tightly packed; jam;
水泻 watery diarrhea; clepsydra;
水星 {天} Mercury;
水性 ability in swim ̄ ming; the depth, currents and other characteristics of a river, lake, etc.;
水性杨花 have a disposition as changeable as water; a woman of loose morals; a woman as unstable as water; easy to seduce; ever unstable as water; of easy virtue; ranging fancy; water disposition and aspen flowers — fickle and lascivious;
水锈 scale; incrustation; watermark (in water vessels);
水袖 actor's or dancer's long sleeves in classical operas or dances;
水选 {冶} water separation; select seeds or ores with water;
水压 water gage; hydraulic pressure;
水压机 hydropress; hydrostatic press; hydraulic press; water hydraulic press; water press;
水烟 shredded tobacco for water pipes;
水杨 bigcatkin willow;
水杨酸 ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid; {有化} salicylic acid;
水样 {工} water sample;
水翼 hydrofoil; foil;
水银 mercury; hydrargyrum; hydrargyri; quicksilver;
水印 {刷} watermark;
水有源, 树有根 Every river has its source, every tree has its roots.; Everything has its origin.;
水浴 water bath; bain-marie;
水源 headwaters; waterhead; source of water;
水运 {交} water carriage; waterage; water transport; ship; transport by boat;
水栽法 hydroponics;
水灾 flood; inundation;
水葬 water burial;
水藻 algae;
水蚤 water flea;
水闸 water gate; water lock; penstock; dam; sluice; pen; sasse; canal-lock;
水战 battle fought on the sea, river, etc.;
水涨船高 When the river rises the boat floats high.; A ship rises with the tide — a person's social rise benefits those related to him.; When water rises, the boat rises with it.; Particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation.;
水针疗法 {中医} acupuncture therapy with medicinal injec ̄ tion;
水蒸气 steam; vapour; water vapour;
水蜘蛛 water spider;
水蛭 leech; bdella; sanguisuge; Aulastomum gulo; hirudo;
水制 water preparing;
水质 water quality;
水质检测 water quality monitoring; 水质评价 water quality assessment; 水中(的) aquatic; water;
水中捞月 fish for the moon in the water; catch the moon in the water — a fruitless attempt; fish for the moon's reflection; fish in the air; grasp the moon in the water — vain and ineffectual effort; plough the air; pluck the moon from the lake;
水肿 hydroncus; edema; oedema; dropsy;
水珠 spray; drop of water; droplet;
水珠子 [口] drop of water;
水柱 waterspout; water column; spout;
水准 standard; level;
水资源 water resource;
水族 the Shui nationality, living mainly in Guizhou; aquatic animals;
水族馆 aquarium




❷water in five elements





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